如何指定 swagger 的默认打开版本?版本、swagger

由网友(好好过生活丶)分享简介:我有一个使用 Swagger 作为 API 文档的 C# Web API.我使用了 Swashbuckle 包.swagger 环境正在使用我在控制器中指定的多个版本.I have a C# web API that is using Swagger as API documentation. I have used...

我有一个使用 Swagger 作为 API 文档的 C# Web API.我使用了 Swashbuckle 包.swagger 环境正在使用我在控制器中指定的多个版本.

I have a C# web API that is using Swagger as API documentation. I have used the Swashbuckle packages. The swagger environment is working with multiple versions that i specify in the controllers.

今天我介绍了一个新的未来版本(1.2),它仍在开发中.我想默认在 1.1 版本上打开 swagger,但仍然在右上角的下拉列表中保持正确的排序顺序(例如 v1、v1.1、v1.2).目前它总是在下拉列表中打开顶级版本.

Today i introduced a new future version (1.2) that is still under development. I would like to open swagger on the version 1.1 version by default but still keep the correct sorting order in the dropdown in the top right (e.g. v1, v1.1, v1.2). Currently it always opens the top version in the drop down.



你在 Startup.cs - Configure 方法中配置 Swagger UI 的顺序决定了下拉列表的顺序.默认情况下,UI 会显示与下拉列表中的第一个选项对应的规范.

The order in which you configure Swagger UI in Startup.cs - Configure method determines the dropdown list order. By default, the UI displays the specifications corresponding to the first option in the dropdown.

我们可以更改版本的顺序,如下所示,但我不确定是否有任何属性可以覆盖默认版本,同时保留 UI 中的版本下拉顺序.

We can change the order of versions as shown below, but I am not sure if there is any property to override default version while retaining the dropdown order of versions in UI.

在下面的例子中,它会默认打开 v1.1.

In the below example, it will open v1.1 by default.

app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
    c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1.1/swagger.json", "V1.1");
    c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1.0/swagger.json", "V1.0");
    c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1.2/swagger.json", "V1.2");

但是,有一个解决方法:您可以传递查询字符串参数 urls.primaryName 的值,以便它默认加载该版本.

Howerver, there's a workaround: You can pass the value of querystring parameter urls.primaryName so that it loads that version by default.


(或)您可以尝试通过注入自定义 javascript 来自定义 Swagger UI,如下所示:

(Or) You can try customizing the Swagger UI by injecting custom javascript as follows:

            c => c.InjectJavascript(***pass custom javascript here***) )

