
由网友(大众爹)分享简介:这是多次重复SO,但我想明确说明我的问题。 This is so many times repeated at SO, but I would want to state my question explicitly. How is a decimal which would look like 2.0100 "r...


This is so many times repeated at SO, but I would want to state my question explicitly.

How is a decimal which would look like 2.0100 "rightly" presented to the user as 
another "decimal" 2.01?

我看到那么,输入是一个字符串2.0100很多问题,需要一个小数2.01出它和问题,他们需要十进制2.0100重新psented为字符串2.01$ P $的地方。所有这一切都可以通过基本string.Trim,decimal.Parse等来实现这些都是一些办法如下:

I see a lot of questions on SO where the input is a string "2.0100" and need a decimal 2.01 out of it and questions where they need decimal 2.0100 to be represented as string "2.01". All this can be achieved by basic string.Trim, decimal.Parse etc. And these are some of the approaches followed:




Many string.Format options.



My own one I used till now:

if (2.0100 == 0)
    return 0;
decimal p = decimal.Parse(2.0100.ToString().TrimEnd('0'));
return p == 2.0100 ? p : 2.0100;


But I believe there has to be some correct way of doing it in .Net (at least 4) which deals with numeric operation and not string operation. I am asking for something that is not dealing with the decimal as string because I feel that ain't the right method to do this. I'm trying to learn something new. And would fancy my chances of seeing at least .1 seconds of performance gain since I'm pulling tens of thousands of decimal values from database :)

问2:如果AINT present在.NET中,这是最有效的字符串的方法来获取小数点一个presentable值

Question 2: If it aint present in .Net, which is the most efficient string method to get a presentable value for the decimal?


I do not just want a decimal to be presented it to users. In that case I can use it as a string. I do want it as decimal back. I will have to process on those decimal values later. So going by ToString approach, I first needs to convert it to string, and then again parse it to decimal. I am looking for something that doesn't deal with String class. Some option to convert decimal .20100 to decimal .201?



Ok, so I'm answering for myself, I got a solution.

return d / 1.00000000000000000000000000000m

这只是它。我做了一些基准测试,以及(psented的意见时$ P $的模式,而不是平均):

That just does it. I did some benchmarking as well (time presented as comments are mode, not mean):


    internal static double Calculate(Action act)
        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();


        return sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;


return decimal.Parse(string.Format("{0:0.#############################}", d));

return decimal.Parse(d.ToString("0.#############################"));

if (d == 0)
    return 0;

decimal p = decimal.Parse(d.ToString().TrimEnd('0').TrimEnd('.'));
return p == d ? p : d;

return decimal.Parse(d.ToString("G29"));

return d / 1.00000000000000000000000000000m;


Needless to cover regex options. I dont mean to say performance makes a lot of difference. I'm just pulling 5k to 20k rows at a time. But still it's nice to know a simpler and cleaner alternative to string approach exists.

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