
由网友(俄の丗堺婳丄ㄋ佝呺°)分享简介:在Android中,是否有可能在一半屏幕显示一个应用程序(渲染视频)作为浮动窗口。而在同一时间与其他应用程序交互(例如聊天应用程序或其他应用程序。).The浮屏应用的新会是我的应用程序,它允许用户执行多任务处理。 In Android , Is it possible to display one applicati...


In Android , Is it possible to display one application(rendering Video) as a floating screen in one half of the screen. and at the same time interacting with another application(e.g chat application or any other application. ).The floating screen appliction will be my application so that it will allow the user to do multitasking.


The idea is to keep the surfaceview of the application, which is rendering the video, on top, and at the same time interact with other applications.e.g gallery or any other application..



If by "two active applications" then you mean real applications (i.e. with activities, back stack, &c) active at the same time, then no (except in some specialized devices, with custom APIs).

然而,有一个小窍门,你可以用它来实现类似的效果。与 android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW (显示为画在其他应用程序,在Play商店),可以创建的从服务,并显示他们的窗口的应用。所以,你很可能得到这种方法你想要的效果。

However, there is a trick you can use to achieve a similar effect. Applications with the android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW (displayed as "draw over other apps" in Play Store) can create windows from a service and show them. So you could probably get the effect you want with this method.


There is an open source library called StandOut which provides this behavior in an easy to use manner. You might want to take a look at it.


