的Java JRE的64位下载的Windows?JRE、Java、Windows

由网友(酷似你祖宗.)分享简介:我工作的一个网站项目与Java组件和我目前正在测试的跨浏览器的兼容性。大多数是好的,但在Java部分将不加载64位浏览器。看起来我需要一个64位的JRE来测试。究竟应该怎样下载(离线)64位Java运行时的Windows安装程序?I'm working on a web site project with a Jav...


I'm working on a web site project with a Java component and am currently testing for cross-browser compatibility. Most is fine but the Java part won't load on 64-bit browsers. Looks like I need a 64-bit JRE to test. Where does one download the (off-line) 64-bit Java runtime installer for Windows?

官方下载页面在这里: http://www.java.com/en/download/manual。 JSP

The official download page is here: http://www.java.com/en/download/manual.jsp


Unless I'm blind, nothing 64-bit there for Windows except a link to notes. Said notes are here: http://www.java.com/en/download/faq/java_win64bit.xml#Java%20for%2064-bit


用户应该下载64位Java软件,如果它们正在运行的64位   IE浏览器。要下载64位Java点击 64位手动下载

"Users should download 64-bit Java software, if they are running 64-bit IE. For downloading 64-bit Java click 64-bit manual download"


The only off-line installer, as far as I can tell, has only installed the 32-bit runtime. Then we're back at square one! Am I missing something or going nuts?



Might this be the download you are looking for?

转到 Java SE下载页。 向下滚动一点点找主表与Java平台,标准版的头 点击JRE下载按钮(JRE是运行时组件。JDK是开发者工具包)。 选择合适的下载(所有平台和32/64位下载列) Go to the Java SE Downloads Page. Scroll down a tad look for the main table with the header of "Java Platform, Standard Edition" Click the JRE Download Button (JRE is the runtime component. JDK is the developer's kit). Select the appropriate download (all platforms and 32/64 bit downloads are listed)

