
由网友(月光下泛滥成灾的思念)分享简介:当我尝试这样做,我得到以下错误:When I try to do that I get the following error:更改为64位应用程序是不允许的。Changes to 64-bit applications are not allowed.@Wilka:该选项不可用,直到我选择的工具>选项>项目和解决...


When I try to do that I get the following error:


Changes to 64-bit applications are not allowed.


@Wilka: That option wasn't available until I selected Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > General and check "Show advanced build configurations". Though I found this hint from your MSDN link. So if you edit your comment, I can make it the accepted answer...



Please see my first comment on this question, it's not there... Somehow... I can select Target framework though (2.0, 3.0 and 3.5), not that I see any use of that for this particular problem...


It doesn't have to be a 64bit program, actually, I rather prefer it to be 32bit anyway since it is more like a utility and it should work on 32bit systems.


Also, I'm running Vista at 64bit. Maybe that has something to do with it?

@Rob库珀:现在我想起来了,我从来没有创建解决方案/项目/应用程序时,选择任何一个64位或32位应用程序的机会... 并根据您的链接64位调试(X64)是可能与MS VB2008 EX preSS版本。

@Rob Cooper: Now I think of it, I never had the chance of selecting either a 64bit or a 32bit application when creating the solution/project/application... And according to your link "64-Bit Debugging (X64)" is possible with MS VB2008 express edition.


Oh btw, I found the following:

如果您正在调试64位应用程序,要使用编辑并继续,必须更改目标平台和编译应用程序作为32位应用程序。您可以通过打开项目属性中去的编译页面更改此设置。在该页面中,单击高级编译选项并更改目标CPU设置到了X86的高级编译器设置对话框。 链接

If you are debugging a 64-bit application and want to use Edit and Continue, you must change the target platform and compile the application as a 32-bit application. You can change this setting by opening the Project Properties and going to the Compile page. On that page, click Advanced Compile Options and change the Target CPU setting to x86 in the Advanced Compiler Settings dialog box. Link


But I dont see the Target CPU setting...



在Visual Basic 2008例preSS版:   构建菜单>配置管理器...

In Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition: Build menu > Configuration Manager...

更改活动解决方案平台:以   ...,选择86,保存新的   平台。

Change Active solution platform: to "...", choose "x86", save the new platform.

现在的86选项可用   编译设置。

Now the "x86" option is available in the Compile settings.

您可能需要启用显示高级生成配置第一,在工具>选项> 项目和解决方案>常规

You may need to enable "Show advanced build configurations" first, in Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > General



