
由网友(从小就拉风)分享简介:如何导入从像MAYA 3D建模软件3D模型转换成OpenGL特别是对于PC,而不是为iPhone开发?How can I import 3D models from 3D modelling software like MAYA into OpenGL especially for PC rather than fo...

如何导入从像MAYA 3D建模软件3D模型转换成OpenGL特别是对于PC,而不是为iPhone开发?

How can I import 3D models from 3D modelling software like MAYA into OpenGL especially for PC rather than for Iphone development ?



Maybe this surprises you, but OpenGL has no such thing qualifying as "models". What OpenGL does is, it accepts a bunch of data and it is upon you to make OpenGL access this data so that the operations it performs on that data will result in a nice image on the screen.

这样的介绍之后,让我们说你有一个模型,像一个立方体。立方体由六个面,每个4角。虽然每个角落的位置是由每个3面共享,面对的方向,所谓正常,是在那个角落很不同,具体取决于所面临你看。位置,正常和一些其他属性形成所谓的一个顶点。因此,对于一个立方体,我们有6 * 4 = 24个顶点(资本状况,降低正常)

So after that introduction, let's say you got a model, like a cube. A cube consists of 6 faces with 4 corners each. While each corner positions is shared by 3 faces each, the face direction, the so called Normal, is very different on that corner depending which face you're looking at. Position, Normal and a few other attributes form what is known as a vertex. Thus for a cube we have 6 * 4 = 24 vertices (capital position, lower normal)

X,   Y,  Z,  x,  y,  z
-1, -1, -1, -1,  0,  0
-1, -1,  1, -1,  0,  0
-1,  1,  1, -1,  0,  0
-1,  1, -1, -1,  0,  0
 1, -1, -1,  1,  0,  0
 1, -1,  1,  1,  0,  0
 1,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0
 1,  1, -1,  1,  0,  0


And so on, I hope you get the idea. Each line forms a vertex vector. The format of this vector is arbitraty. You can place those attributes (Position, Normal, etc.) in one common, interleaved array, or you use multiple arrays for each attribute in its own array. Interleaved arrays oftenly are more efficient though.


Together with the list of vertices you also have a list of faces, i.e. tuple of vertex indices, which for a face, so in the case of a cube those tuples, designating quadrilaterals would be

0, 1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6, 7
20, 21, 22, 23


Loading a model means, you write some program that reads the data from a model file format (preferrably a documented one, or one you came up with yourself and wrote an exporter for your modelling program for). The read data is then placed into memory in such a way as outlined above so that OpenGL can make use of it.


You then supply this data to OpenGL. There are two options: You keep the data in your program's process address space (Client Side Vertex Arrays), or you upload the data into a OpenGL buffer object (Vertex Buffer Object).


Then you tell OpenGL to fetch its geometry data.


In the case of Client Side Vertex Arrays this is done in the following way

GLenum primitive_mode;
GLfloat *vertex_data;
GLushort *indices_data;
int face_count;

void load_model(...)
    /* ... */
                               &primitive_mode, ...);



void draw_model()

                    3, /* we're supplying vectors of which the 3 first elements are to be used for vertex position */
                    GL_FLOAT, /* the type of each vector element is GLfloat */
                    sizeof(GLfloat)*6, /* the beginnings of vectors in vertex_data are 6 * sizeof(GLfloat) apart */
                    vertex_data + 0 /* the pointer to the data, positions are offset 0 */

    glNormalPointer( /* normals always have 3 elements, no size given */
                    GL_FLOAT, /* the type of each vector element is GLfloat */
                    sizeof(GLfloat)*6, /* the beginnings of vectors in vertex_data are 6 * sizeof(GLfloat) apart */
                    vertex_data + 3 /* the pointer to the data, normals are offset 3 */

    glDrawElements(primitive_mode, face_count, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices_data);



It is upon you to either implement the model loader yourself, or use some third party library for this task.


