Flash设计/ codeR合作的最佳做​​法Flash、codeR

由网友(自愈)分享简介:我已经做的工作​​与设计师做所有的pretty的事物和动画actionscripter几个闪光的项目。当开始了,我发现了相当多的关于ActionScript代码和Flash设计信息。大部分的现有的信息似乎集中在一个或另一个。I've done several flash projects working as the...


I've done several flash projects working as the actionscripter with a designer doing all the pretty things and animation. When starting out i found quite a lot of information about actionscript coding and flash design. Most of the information available seems to focus on one or the other.


I didn't find any information about building flash projects in a way that lets the coder do their thing AND gives the designer freedom as well.


Hopefully more experienced people can share, these are some of the things i discovered after a few projects

在版本控制是必须的(一如既往),但可能难以解释的设计师 在闪光灯的.fla文件没有动作,他们为二进制文件,只要你想尽量保持距离,尽可能一个codeR 模型视图控制器是我找到的隔离视觉设计变化的最佳方式 尝试打造的意见,让他们使用帧标签,这使得设计师来决定到底发生了什么



我一直在做的Flash 9年,我仍然觉得这是一个困难的事情得到的权利。

I've been doing Flash for 9 years and I still find this a difficult thing to get right.


There is a balance of power between designers and developers, which will inevitably tip one way or the other.

如果您携手开发领导工作室,那么你是幸运的,因为设计者将指示做出适合您的功能设计。在Flex / MXML,这是工作的唯一途径。

If you work for a developer led studio, then you are lucky, as the designers will be instructed to make a design that fits your functionality. In Flex / MXML this is the only way to work.


If, on the other hand, you work in a graphic design/creative/advertising studio, you will be instructed to build whatever the designer puts together in PhotoShop, whether or not it is feasible to build within the time.


The key to getting around this is communication and education. Designers and design-focussed managers may not know what is involved in creating a particular piece of functionality, and if you explain to them why a particular thing is hard to do they might be persuaded to go and rethink their design. On the other hand, they may well think you're just a whiner! It never feels good when you have to tell someone "sorry, I can't really do that" when you know that you could make it work, given a few late nights!


As well as the things you and others have already noted, like using FlashDevelop and external AS classes, here's some other things I recommend:

在开始一个站点地图/线框,无论是开发人员和设计人员同意。 在加载所有的文字,从XML转换为动态文本字段,并确保您的按钮等设计,扩大以适应内容 确保你的设计有一些想法如何正确地切好的图形和布置它们在Flash中。在Photoshop开发人员不应该被搞乱,当你遇上了一个最后期限。 确保你在截止日期前得到所有你的图形以及资产 - 难免就会有需要改变的东西,他们已经错过了,事情 要坚定,不要让你的设计团队试图在额外的功能,在最后一分钟潜行。 让设计人员使用的时间表,角色动画等,但对于简单的补间使用ActionScript补间引擎。


Hope these tips are some use!


