
由网友(蓝遇)分享简介:我正在寻找一个解决方案,以扭曲的图像。闪存只允许基于矢量的对象倾斜。我试图用矩阵,但不能得到一个propriate解决方案。我们的目标是做这样的事情了三倍,小册子其中折叠了两个步骤。 I'm looking for a solution to skew images. Flash only allows skewin...


I'm looking for a solution to skew images. Flash only allows skewing of vector-based objects. I tried to use matrices but could not get a propriate solution. The goal is to do something like a threefold-brochure which folds out in two steps.


Does someone have a hint or example code for this?


也许我的消息有点不对劲用语言描述。 Flash允许歪斜,例如,一个矩形偏菱形。

Maybe my message was a little bit wrong verbalised. Flash allows to skew, for example, a rectangle to a rhomboid.

 -------         -------
|       |              
|       |   =>          
|       |                
 -------            -------


That's not the restriction i meant. I'm able to do WYSIWYG skewing like this for vectors and bitmaps. I need to do something like this:

 -------         |`
|       |        |  `|
|       |   =>   |   |
|       |        |  ´
 -------         |´


Based on Bryan Grezeszak answer, i played with transformation movieclips on the linked page. Am i right when i say that there is no possibility to do this with matrices? If yes, are there other possibilities to achieve this?



编辑根据您的更新:你指定你想要的转变正是完成用的Matrix3D闪光灯10.他们改变了它从一个3×3的矩阵到4x4矩阵,让你正在尝试做的倾斜。如果您使用的是闪存10,Matrix3D是你的答案。如果没有,尝试AS3 3D引擎,如Papervision或Away3D中。

EDIT BASED ON YOUR UPDATE: The transformation you specified that you want is exactly what is accomplished with Matrix3D in flash 10. They changed it from a 3x3 matrix to a 4x4 matrix to allow the skewing you are trying to do. If you are using flash 10, Matrix3D is your answer. If not, try out AS3 3D engines such as Papervision or Away3D.

如果您正在使用Flash 10,再看看它的Matrix3D对象(仅在Flash 10),因为它允许更倾斜的对象,实际的3D视角,等等,你正在寻找prolly正是为:)

If you are using Flash 10, then look up it's Matrix3D object (ONLY in Flash 10), because it allows even more skewing of the object, actual 3D perspective, etc, prolly exactly what you are looking for :)


Other than that the object's transformation matrix is what does it. It is a flash.geom.Matrix object that can be accessed on any DisplayObject (including Bitmaps) using your_object.transform.matrix;

这可能会非常棘手习惯,但是这是最融为一体prehensive源我知道对付它:的 Senocular矩阵文章

It can be tricky to get used to, but this is the most comprehensive source I know of for dealing with it: Senocular Matrix Article

这文章是对Flash 8,但功能已经改变,几乎没有为AS3,所以它仍然是一种宝贵的资源。

That article is for Flash 8, but the functionality has changed almost none into AS3, so it is still a valuable resource.


