无法获取jQuery的Ajax来解析JSON web服务的结果结果、Ajax、jQuery、web

由网友(把心熬成铁)分享简介:我已经验证从我的C#的WebMethod JSON响应,所以我不相信这就是问题所在。 我试图解析使用简单的jQuery $阿贾克斯的结果,但由于某种原因,我不能得到的方法来正确地触发和分析的结果,还捎带似乎无法得到的功能来触发的结果。是他们对可以返回的JSON对象的大小的任何限制。我也删除这code,从里面的Site....

我已经验证从我的C#的WebMethod JSON响应,所以我不相信这就是问题所在。

我试图解析使用简单的jQuery $阿贾克斯的结果,但由于某种原因,我不能得到的方法来正确地触发和分析的结果,还捎带似乎无法得到的功能来触发的结果。是他们对可以返回的JSON对象的大小的任何限制。


// VAR的myData = {QTYPE:产品名称,查询的Xbox};
VAR的myData = {请求:{QTYPE:产品名称,查询的Xbox}};
    的contentType:应用/ JSON的;字符集= UTF-8,
        //无功味精= {__type:Testportal.outputData,ID:li1234,留言:这是工作,敏:101}
        警报(信息=+ msg.d.ProductName +,ID =+ msg.d.Brand);
            VAR的errorMessage = $ .parseJSON(res.responseText);



 < ASP:按钮的ID =Button1的=服务器的OnClientClick =阿贾克斯();文本=按钮/>
web核心 11 jquery的ajax json数据 jackson转换工具 度娘搜索


    [ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = TRUE,ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)
    公共OutputData updateProductsList(InputData要求)
        变种DB =新App_Data.eCostDataContext();
        变种Q =从C在db.eCosts

            Q = q.Like(request.qtype,request.query);

        // Q = q.Skip((页 -  1)* RP)。取(RP);
        result.products = q.ToList();


            / *创建新的项目清单* /
                ID = product.ProductID,
                元素= GetPropertyList(产品)



    公共字符串ID {获得;组; }
    公开名单< App_Data.eCost>产品{获得;组; }

    公共字符串QTYPE {获得;组; }
    公众查询字符串{获取;组; }




  //可能需要使用$('<%= Button1.ClientID%>'),如果你的按钮
    。EVT preventDefault();








  VAR REQ = {要求:{QTYPE:产品名称,查询的Xbox}};


请注意,要求 QTYPE 查询必须在服务器端的结构,区分大小写的精度相匹配。


  VAR REQ = {};

req.request = {};

req.request.qtype =产品名称;
req.request.query =的Xbox;


I have validated the JSON response from my C# Webmethod, so I don't believe that's the problem.

Am trying to parse the result using simple jQuery $.ajax, but for whatever reason I can't get the method to correctly fire and parse the result, also incidentally can't seem to get the function to fire the result. Are their any limits on the size of the JSON object that can be returned.

I also removed this code from inside a "Site.Master" page because it would always refresh when I hit the simple button. Do tags work correctly with jQuery elements like the button input I'm grabbing from the DOM?

function ajax() {
//var myData = { qtype: "ProductName", query: "xbox" };
var myData = { "request": { qtype: "ProductName", query: "xbox"} };
    type: "POST",
    url: "/webservice/WebService.asmx/updateProductsList",
    data: {InputData:$.toJSON(myData)},
    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
    dataType: "json",
    success: function (msg) {
        // var msg = {__type: "Testportal.outputData", id: "li1234", message: "it's work!", myInt:101}
        alert("message=" + msg.d.ProductName + ", id=" + msg.d.Brand);
    error: function (res, status) {
        if (status === "error") {
            // errorMessage can be an object with 3 string properties: ExceptionType, Message and StackTrace
            var errorMessage = $.parseJSON(res.responseText);


And the page:

 <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" OnClientClick="ajax();"  Text="Button" /> 

And the Serverside Webmethod:

 public class WebService : System.Web.Services.WebService
    [ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true, ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
    public OutputData updateProductsList(InputData request)
        OutputData result = new OutputData();
        var db = new App_Data.eCostDataContext();
        var q = from c in db.eCosts
                select c;

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.qtype) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.query))
            q = q.Like(request.qtype, request.query);

        //q = q.Skip((page - 1) * rp).Take(rp);
        result.products = q.ToList();

        searchObject search = new searchObject();

        foreach (App_Data.eCost product in result.products)
            /* create new item list */
            searchResult elements = new searchResult()
                id = product.ProductID,
                elements = GetPropertyList(product)
        return result;


And helper classes:

    public class OutputData
    public string id { get; set; }
    public List<App_Data.eCost> products { get; set; }

public class InputData
    public string qtype { get; set; }
    public string query { get; set; }


One problem you may be having is that you aren't doing anything to prevent the button from submitting the form and executing a full postback/reload at the same time you're starting your $.ajax() callback.

I'd suggest wiring this up unobtrusively instead of using the OnClientClick property, like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
  // May need to use $('<%= Button1.ClientID %>') if your Button is 
  //  inside a naming container, such as a master page.
  $('#Button1').click(function(evt) {
    // This stops the form submission.

      // Your $.ajax() code here.

I also agree with Oleg that you should use json2.js for your JSON stringifying and parsing. In newer browsers, that will fall back to the browsers' native implementations of those methods, which is much faster and makes the parsing safer.


To answer your question about the data, no that doesn't look quite right.

What you want to ultimately send to the server is this (sans formatting):


To accomplish that, you want something like this:

var req = { request : { qtype: "ProductName", query: "xbox" }};

  data: JSON.stringify(req),
  // Remaining $.ajax() parameters

Keep in mind that request, qtype, and query must match your server-side structure with case-sensitive accuracy.

You can also be more verbose in defining the request object (which I prefer, personally, to keep things clear and readable):

var req = { };

req.request = { };

req.request.qtype = "ProductName";
req.request.query = "xbox";

I've written a bit more about this here, if you're interested: http://encosia.com/2009/04/07/using-complex-types-to-make-calling-services-less-complex/


