Highcharts JQuery的 - 改变每个点点的颜色颜色、Highcharts、JQuery

由网友(我们终将独自成长)分享简介:我有(每月在过去12个月中%的数字)的线图,其中显示变量信息I have a line graph that is displaying variable information (% figure each month for the last 12 months)我想改变的基础上,我从一个Ajax调用PHP函数...


I have a line graph that is displaying variable information (% figure each month for the last 12 months)

我想改变的基础上,我从一个Ajax调用PHP函数:收到的结果每个小区的点颜色。 (参照绿线)

I would like to change the dot colour of each plot based on the result that I recieved from a Ajax call to php function. (refer to the green line)

例如下面是我的图: 我的图表

for example below is my graph: My Graph

如果该数字为一个月> 98.5做点绿色的,如果这个数字是在96 - 98.5做出点琥珀和任何降低使点红色

if the figure for the month is > 98.5 make the dot green, If the figure is between 96 - 98.5 make the dot amber and anything lower make the dot red.


我试图返回的颜色数组回到我的AJAX方法和尝试: 名称:生产成功率,       颜色:responseJSON.colour,       输入:'行',      数据:responseJSON.percent

i tried returning an array of colours back to my ajax method and tried: name: 'Production Success Rate', color: 'responseJSON.colour, type: 'line', data: responseJSON.percent


the array responseJSON.colour that is returned is an array of hex codes.


however it seems that the color api does not allow an array as it only colours the line with the first colour in the array (unfortunatly)




I believe what you want is to leverage the fillColor of each series point.

这可以通过手动构建的是ppared图表$ P $的数据来完成的,一个简单的例子是:

This can be done by manually building the data that's to be prepared for the chart, a quick example would be:

var figures = [93, 95.8, 99.2, 97.8, 98.3, 96.4, 95, 98.9, 97.2, 94.3, 97.1, 94],
        d = [];

$.each(figures, function (i, figure) {
    if (figure > 98.5) {
        d.push({y: figure, fillColor: 'green', color: 'green'});
    }else if(figure < 98.5 && figure > 96.5){
        d.push({y: figure, fillColor: '#ffbf00', color: '#ffbf00'});  //amber i guess
    }else if(figure < 96.5){
        d.push({y: figure, fillColor: 'red', color: 'red'});   

然后当你建立图表,只需提供数据:D 键,每个点都会有基于上述条件不同的填充颜色。

Then when you build the chart, simply supply data: d and each of the dots will have a different fill color based on the above conditional..



