从jQuery的阿贾克斯布尔参数收到的文字串QUOT;假" /"真"在PHP布尔、参数、文字、阿贾克斯

由网友(如果你想换一个好听的,那么就别错过这篇内容啦,今日小编为您设)分享简介:此问题与有关:Cannot传递null使用jQuery AJAX服务器。在服务器接收到的值是字符串"零" 不过,我再次问,因为在这个问题的解决是非常难看的,我想一定是一个更好的。But I'm asking it again because the solution in that quest...


Cannot传递null使用jQuery AJAX服务器。在服务器接收到的值是字符串"零"


But I'm asking it again because the solution in that question is very ugly, and I think must be a better one.

问题 当您使用发送数据与jQuery阿贾克斯PHP POST你得到的字符串,而不是假(布尔)假(串),而不是NULL,真正的,而不是真正的(布尔)和空:

PROBLEM When you send data with jQuery Ajax to PHP using POST you get strings "false"(string) instead of false(bool), "true" instead of true(bool) and "null" instead of NULL:

解决方案: (在上面的问题提出的): 之前的数据转换为JSON它使用jQuery发送,然后去code在PHP中的数据。 随着code:

SOLUTION (proposed in the above question): convert the data to JSON before send it with jQuery, and then decode that data in PHP. With code:


Javascript code:

      url     : <server_url>,
      dataType: 'json',
      type    : 'POST',
      success : receiveAjaxMessage,
      data    : JSON.stringify
            valueTrue : true,
            valueFalse: false,
            valueNull : null

PHP code:

PHP code:

var_dump(json_decode(file_get_contents('php://input'), true));


To me that's not a solution, only an ugly hack.

在我的情况的问题是,我不能使用的file_get_contents('php的://输入)来访问$ _ POST,甚至更多,我不能用$ _ POST,因为我使用HMVC

The problem in my situation is that I can't use file_get_contents('php://input') to access the $_POST, even more, I can't use $_POST because I'm using HMVC.

和我知道我可以修复它​​检查那些假,真和空在PHP中,或发送1和0 instear真假jQuery的。照片 不过,我想这一定是一个非常普遍的问题,和jQuery是一个非常共同的框架,所以我pretty的肯定有一个更好,优雅的方式来将数据与正确的类型jQuery中发送。

And I know I can fix it checking those "false", "true" and "null" in PHP, or sending 1 and 0 instear true and false in jQuery. But I think this must be a really common problem, and jQuery is a really common framework, so I'm pretty sure there's a better and elegant way to send the data with the right type in jQuery.



Because HTTP is a text protocol with no concept of booleans or integers everything must be stringified. Comparing strings on the server side is the normal way to deal with booleans.


If you really really want PHP to see a 0 or 1 you can use

 valueTrue : true ? 1 : 0



