
由网友(·^-走出愛情的傷、)分享简介:我有一个网站(基于JSP / Servlet的,使用MVC模式),我想支持基于AJAX的网站和基本的基于HTML的网站。网站访问者应该能够从阿贾克斯改变上网方式,以基本的HTML,反之亦然, - 因为它适用于谷歌的邮件I have a website ( based on JSP/Servlets ,using MV...

我有一个网站(基于JSP / Servlet的,使用MVC模式),我想支持基于AJAX的网站和基本的基于HTML的网站。网站访问者应该能够从阿贾克斯改变上网方式,以基本的HTML,反之亦然, - 因为它适用于谷歌的邮件

I have a website ( based on JSP/Servlets ,using MVC pattern), and I want to support AJAX-based website and basic HTML-based website. website visitors should be able to change the surfing mode from Ajax to basic HTML and vise versa, - as it applies in Google-mail.


什么是轻松实现这一目标的最佳方式是什么? 如果我设计的两种观点的每一页?


I use JQuery and JSON as the result of this answer.


您需要非侵入式JavaScript ,这是逐步增强。

首先,开始创建一个全功能 web应用的没有的任何JavaScript的线。一旦你得到它的工作,然后开始编写JavaScript code的接管原始HTML工作的没有的改变HTML / CSS的任何行。在服务器端code,你需要的添加的逻辑,承认该请求是否已经被解雇或者通过JavaScript的不和返回相应的响应。您可以通过连接测试这两种情况下/禁用JavaScript中的网页浏览器。在Firefox中很容易与的Web开发工具栏。

First, start creating a fully functional webapplication without any line of Javascript. Once you got it to work, then start writing Javascript code which "takes over" the raw HTML work without changing any line of HTML/CSS. In the server side code you need to add logic which recognizes whether the request has been fired by JavaScript or not and return response accordingly. You can test both cases by en/disabling JavaScript in the webbrowser. In Firefox it's easy with Web Developer Toolbar.


For example, you have a list of mails with all HTML links which should show the mail body:

<a href="mail/show/1" class="show">Message title</a>

没有JavaScript,这将触发一个HTTP请求到加载标识 1 邮件servlet时,转发它隐藏在视图中的邮件列表的请求到JSP并示出了邮件在视图中。

Without JavaScript, this would fire a HTTP request to the servlet which loads the mail identified by 1, forwards the request to a JSP which hides the message list in the view and shows the mail in the view.

使用的JavaScript / jQuery的,你需要写code这不正是在同阿贾克斯的帮助,例如:

With JavaScript/jQuery, you need to write code which does exactly the same with help of Ajax, e.g.:

$('a.show').click(function() {
    $.getJSON(this.href, callbackFunctionWhichHidesListAndShowsMail);
    return false;


In the server side you have to distinguish between normal requests and ajax requests so that you can return response accordingly.

boolean ajax = "XMLHttpRequest".equals(request.getHeader("x-requested-with"));

// ...

if (ajax) {
    writeJson(response, mail);
} else {
    request.setAttribute("mail", mail);
    request.getRequestDispatcher("/WEB-INF/mail.jsp").forward(request, response);

最后,为了给用户一个选项,手动模式之间进行切换,你必须pferably设置cookie或$ P $(因为饼干disableable)通过在URL的一些信息(PATHINFO或请求参数),这迫使服务器禁用发射&LT;脚本&GT;


