
由网友(从此山水不相逢)分享简介:我有三个下拉列表,一个列表填充在页面加载,并不会改变。第二和第三列表可以根据选择相应变化。此功能工作正常。 I have three drop down lists, one list is populated on page load and doesn't change. The 2nd and 3rd lis...


I have three drop down lists, one list is populated on page load and doesn't change. The 2nd and 3rd lists may change depending on the selection. This functionality is working fine.

我试图引导selectpicker添加到选择,我可以看到这是工作 - 不幸的列表不清爽根据选择。其实,我觉得幕后他们是我所看到的传递的查询,但通过前端没有任何反应。

I have tried to add Bootstrap selectpicker to the selectors and I can see it is working - unfortunately the lists are not refreshing based upon the selection. I actually think "behind the scenes" they are as I can see the queries being passed but via the front end nothing happens.


<!-- SelectPicker -->
<link href='//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap-select/1.6.2/css/bootstrap-select.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery-easing/1.3/jquery.easing.min.js"></script>


The first two DDL's are created via php but are

<select id='ddl_first_lookup' onchange='ajaxFirstOnChange(this.value)' value='' class='selectpicker'></option>
<select id='ddl_second_lookup' onchange='ajaxSecondOnChange(this.value)' class='selectpicker'>
<select id="ddl_third_lookup" onchange='ajaxThirdLookup(this.value)' class='selectpicker'></select>


I have the following Javascript:

$(document).ready(function() {  

这是我发现了问题的地步,我想对改变功能的AJAX没有成功中实现这一点 - 即使不知道这是否是正确的。

This is the point where I have discovered the problem, I am trying to implement this within the ajax on change functions without success - not even sure if it is correct.



I am pretty new to all of this so would like some help.


我发现有同样的问题后,你的问题。添加 $('selectpicker。')selectpicker('刷新'); 之后完全将项目添加到我的清单做了工作 所以,你可能需要找到把它放在正确的位置。也许在你的Ajax调用成功的一部分。

I found your question after having the same problem. Adding $('.selectpicker').selectpicker('refresh'); exactly after adding items to my list did the job. So you probably need to find the correct place to put it. Maybe in the success part of your ajax call.


