如何使用OmniFaces Ajax.updateColumn()或Ajax.updateRow()通过电话号码:AJAX如何使用、电话号码、OmniFaces、updateColumn

由网友(其实、很寂寞)分享简介:我试图用OmniFaces 1.3(快照)的Ajax工具的Ajax.updateColumn()方法。更具体地讲,我要替换使用号码:AJAX更新=:pageContentPanel,这是一个H:panelGroup中(或号码:outputPanel),其中包含以下XHTML,通过使用Ajax.updateColumn的...

我试图用OmniFaces 1.3(快照)的Ajax工具的Ajax.updateColumn()方法。更具体地讲,我要替换使用号码:AJAX更新=:pageContentPanel,这是一个H:panelGroup中(或号码:outputPanel),其中包含以下XHTML,通过使用Ajax.updateColumn的(表1)。

I am attempting to use the Ajax.updateColumn() method of the OmniFaces 1.3 (SNAPSHOT) Ajax utility. More specifically, I want to replace the use p:ajax update=":pageContentPanel", which is an h:panelGroup (or p:outputPanel) which contains the following xhtml, with the use of Ajax.updateColumn(table, 1).

<h:dataTable id="dt_tripDates" style="width: 200px !important;"
             var="tripDate" value="#{pf_ordersController.tripDates}">

    <p:column style="text-align: right !important;">
        <h:outputText id="rowNumber" value="#{tripDate.rowNumber}" />

    <p:column style="text-align: center !important;">
        <p:calendar id="tripDate" value="#{tripDate.tripDate}"
                    size="16" label="Trip Date"
                    pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" navigator="true"
            <p:ajax partialSubmit="false" event="dateSelect"
            <f:convertDateTime pattern="MM/dd/yyyy" />



In the bean, I have the following, which is referenced by p:ajax listener="...":

public void tripDateSelectedOnAddUsingTemplate(DateSelectEvent event) {
    DateTime dt, today = DateTime.now(),
             tripDateTime = new DateTime(event.getDate());
    String clientId = event.getComponent().getClientId();
    Integer pos = clientId.indexOf(":tripDate") - 1,
            rowNumber = Integer.valueOf(clientId.substring(clientId.lastIndexOf(":", pos) + 1, pos + 1));
     * clientId = orderAddUsingTemplateForm:dt_tripDates:0:tripDate
     * id = tripDate
     * if tripDates in the list, that follow the argument tripDate in the list,
     * have today's Date, then set them to the argument
    for (int i = rowNumber; i < nbrOfTripDates; i++) {
    // OmniFaces Ajax utility to update UIData columns
    Ajax.updateColumn(tripDatesDataTable, 1);

在尝试使用Ajax.updateColumn(),我补充说:HtmlDataTable tripDatesDataTable作为一个属性到bean。

While attempting to use Ajax.updateColumn(), I added "HtmlDataTable tripDatesDataTable" as an attribute to the bean.

这个bean是JSF @SessionScoped托管bean。请让我知道如何()当p我可以打电话Ajax.updateColumn:阿贾克斯(属于号码:日历在XHTML以上)执行。谢谢你。

The bean is JSF @SessionScoped managed bean. Please let me know how I can call Ajax.updateColumn() when p:ajax (belonging to p:calendar in xhtml above) is executed. Thanks.


关键的一点是,你得有一个句柄的 UIData 组件以某种方式,让您可以将其传递给阿贾克斯#updateColumn()。在特定的情况下,最简单的办法是让它通过 event.getComponent()组件#getClosestParent()

The key point is that you've got to have a handle to the UIData component somehow so that you can pass it to Ajax#updateColumn(). In your particular case, easiest way would be to get it by event.getComponent() with help of Components#getClosestParent().

UIData tripDatesDataTable = Components.getClosestParent(event.getComponent(), UIData.class);
// ...
Ajax.updateColumn(tripDatesDataTable, 1);


Note that you can also just get the row number this way without the need to break down the client ID.

int rowNumber = tripDatesDataTable.getRowIndex();