
由网友(独来独往)分享简介:我指的是类似于the人在这个帖子,因为该解决方案中所述有没有为我工作。I'm referring to a problem similar to the one in this post, because the solution described there doesn't work for me.在起点是一个...


I'm referring to a problem similar to the one in this post, because the solution described there doesn't work for me.

在起点是一个HTML页面(称为配置文件)使用jQuery UI选项卡:

The starting point is a HTML page (called profile) with jQuery UI tabs:

<div id="tabs"> 
		<li><a href="#realtab">Foo Bar</a></li> 
		<li><a href="?cmd=changePassword" title="pwd-settings">
                        <span> Dynamic tab </span>

在该DIV中的 HTML渲染是:

<form method="post" id="subform" action="http://myhost.com/example.php">
    <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="submitChangedPassword">

    	<dd><input type="password" name="password" /></dd>

    	<dt>PWD CHK</dt>
    	<dd><input type="password" name="passwordChk" /></dd>

    	<dd><input type="submit" value=" Apply " /></dd>

另外,我用下面的 JS脚本(根据引进链接后):

In addition, I use the following JS script (based on the post linked in the introduction):

$('#subform').submit(function() { // catch the form's submit event - should I use the form id?
    $.ajax({ // create an AJAX call...
        data: $(this).serialize(), // get the form data
        type: $(this).attr('method'), // GET or POST
        url: $(this).attr('action'), // the file to call
        success: function(response) { // on success..
            $('#pwd-settings').html(response); // update the DIV - should I use the DIV id?
return false; // cancel original event to prevent form submitting


The record is submitted, but the behavior is different depending on the browser:


IE, Firefox, Opera: correct content into DIV, excellent!


Safari, Chrome: correct content, but the entire page is refreshed with the results


Please let me know what I'm doing wrong. Many many thanks!

更新1:的DIV命名为PWD-设置仅由选项卡界面创建。请注意,该行为是相同的,即使我把它添加到HTML(用&LT; D​​IV ID =PWD-设置&GT;&LT; / DIV&GT;

UPDATE 1: The DIV named pwd-settings is created by the tab interface only. Please note that the behavior is the same, even if I add it to the HTML (with <div id ="pwd-settings"></div>).


UPDATE 2: I also removed the JavaScript above and all browsers became "correct content, but the entire page is refreshed" = "old URL, new content". As soon as I added the JavaScript to the HTML page rendered within the DIV, it started working in the browser described above. Hence I see two possible error reasons:


1) The JS is simply not executed in the browsers having errors or


2) The JS within the DIV doesn't work because it addresses a DIV which only exists outside



I finally found out the reason: some browsers (namely the ones having issues) behave differently when the JS described in the question is loaded due to the fact the form does not exist yet because the content of the tab is loaded later on via Ajax.


Hence the solution is to create a JS function instead of the code above and adapt the button (submit becomes button, introducing onClick):

<input type="button" value=" Apply " onClick="callMyFunction()" />


This is handled correctly by Safari and Chrome then too.


Many thanks to all participants!


