采用Perl CGI如何存储/发送由用户在动态表中输入数据动态、数据、用户、Perl

由网友(陪伴)分享简介:在从这个论坛阅读线程数,我能在其中创建一个CGI页面,动态表。现在我需要捕捉表中输入的信息,并将其存储在后端(我打算存入数据库)。 是否有人可以告诉我怎么做。我听说,它可以使用jQuery和AJAX来完成。但我是新来的网络技术,卡住不知道如何处理它们。注意:正如我刚才所说的一个动态表。用户添加/删除行多达他想。我需要捕...



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的Perl CGI脚本

 #!C: Program Files文件 Perl的 BIN  perl的
使用CGI QW {:标准};
使用CGI ::鲤鱼QW {fatalsToBrowser};

子print_page_header {
    打印内容类型:text / html的ñ N的;

子print_html_head_section {
    打印< HEAD>  N的;
    打印<冠军>样品测试页< /标题>  N的;
    打印<脚本的src =HTTP://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js类型=文/ JavaScript的'>< / SCRIPT> ñ ;
     打印<脚本的src ='.. / JS / mastertable_rowcontrol.js类型=文/ JavaScript的'>< / SCRIPT>  N的;
    #PRINT QQ {
    #为(VAR I = 1; I< table.rows.length;我++){
    #警报(table.rows [I] .cells [0] .innerHTML。);
    #< / SCRIPT>
    打印和LT; /头>  N的;

打印QQ {
     <表ID =master_table边界=0>
     &其中; TR>
     百分位> COL1< /第i个
     百分位> COL2< /第i个
     百分位> COL3< /第i个
     百分位> COL4< /第i个
     < TD>&安培; NBSP;< / TD>
     < / TR>
     &其中; TR>
     < TD>
     < / TD>
         < TD>
     < / TD>
         < TD>
     < / TD>
         < TD>
     < / TD>
         < TD>
     <输入类型=按钮NAME =addRow级=增加的价值=添加/>
     < / TD>
         < TD>
     <输入类型=按钮NAME =removeRow级=removeRow值=删除/>
     < / TD>
     < / TR>
     &其中; TR>
     < TD合并单元格=4ALIGN =中心>
     <输入类型=按钮NAME =submit_data级=提交值=提交的onclick =myFunction的()/>
     < / TD>
     < / TR>
     < /表>



       VAR行= $(本).closest('潮流');
       变种克隆= row.clone();
       VAR TR = clone.closest('潮流');
       变量$跨度= $(#master_table TR);
       $ span.attr('身份证',函数(指数){

  $(文件)。在('点击','#master_table .removeRow',函数(){





只是设计,看起来像一个表中的HTML表单(你可以使用大部分的$ C $的c您已经写的)。将其提交给perl脚本,你需要做的:

 <形式的行动=/ somefolder / yourperlscr​​ipt.pl的方法=POST>

<! - 你的表在这里 - >

< /形式GT;

您可能还记得,在Linux上文件的位置应以/somefolder/yourscript.pl,而在Windows上,应当以斜线在开始somefolder / yourscript.pl

After reading few threads from this forum , i was able to create a CGI page , with dynamic table in it. Now i need to capture the information entered in the table and store it in backend ( I am planning to store into db ).

Can someone please show me how do it . I heard that it can be done using jquery and AJAX. But i am new to web technology and stuck not knowing how to proceed with them.

NOTE: as I mentioned its a dynamic table. User add/delete rows as many as he wants. I need to capture all those data.

This is what i have tried so far

Perl CGI script

#!C:Program FilesPerlbinperl
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI qw{ :standard };
use CGI::Carp qw{ fatalsToBrowser };

## Subroutines ##
sub print_page_header {
    print "Content-type:  text/htmlnn";

sub print_html_head_section {
    print "<head>n";
    print "<title>sample test page</title>n";
    print "<script src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js'  type='text/javascript'></script>n";
     print "<script src='../js/mastertable_rowcontrol.js'  type='text/javascript'></script>n";
    #print qq{
    #       <script>
    #       function myFunction() {
    #       var table=document.getElementById("master_table");
    #       for (var i=1;i<table.rows.length;i++) {
    #       alert(table.rows.[i].cells[0].innerHTML);
    #       }
    #       }
    #       </script>
    #       };
    print "</head>n";

print qq{
     <table id="master_table" border="0">
     <input type="text" name="col1" class="col1"/>
     <input type="text" name="col2" class="col2"/>
     <input type="text" name="col3" class="col3"/>
     <input type="text" name="col4" class="col4"/>
     <input type="button" name="addRow" class="add" value='Add'/>
     <input type="button" name="removeRow" class="removeRow" value='Delete'/>
     <td colspan="4" align="center">
     <input type="button" name="submit_data" class="submit" value="Submit" onclick="myFunction()"/>

jquery used to create dynamic table

$(document).ready(function () {
  $(document).on('click','#master_table .add',function () {

       var row=$(this).closest('tr');
       var clone = row.clone();
       var tr= clone.closest('tr');
       var $span=$("#master_table tr");
       $span.attr('id',function (index) {
       return 'span' + index;

  $(document).on('click','#master_table .removeRow',function () {
      if ($('#master_table .add').length > 1) {




It would be easier if you built a dynamic-table using HTML, and have it submit the user-input to a Perl script for further processing or assorting, as needed.

Just design a HTML Form that looks like a table (you can use most of the code you have already written). To submit it to the perl script, you need to do this:

<form action="/somefolder/yourperlscript.pl" method="POST">

<!-- Your Table here -->


You may remember, that in linux the location of your file should begin with "/somefolder/yourscript.pl" while on windows, it should be with the slash in the beginning "somefolder/yourscript.pl


