
由网友(超酷的,酷酷的QQ)分享简介:作为一个最终的结果,我想一个计算机程序,它可以接受的输入和输出的列表,然后采用相同的算法,走进这些输入/输出的另一个数值,即:As an end result, I would like a computer program which can accept a list of inputs and outputs...


As an end result, I would like a computer program which can accept a list of inputs and outputs and then apply the same algorithm that went into those input/output's on another number, I.e:


If given this list of input/output's


有会意识到,该算法将是(输入* 2),或(输出/ 2),这取决于我们想要的。

It would realize that the algorithm would be (input * 2), or (output / 2) depending on what we wanted.


So, if given the number 16, and asked to produce an output the program would respond with 32. And if given the number 10 and asked to produce an input, it would respond with 5.


It would obviously be rather simple to 'hardcode' this into the program, although I'd like to learn how to have the program teach itself what the algorithm is. I understand that this will get rather complicated rather fast.


你不能这样做可靠地为任何类型的输入/输出信号的依赖,而不是你应该只支持一些,否则你需要某种形式的AI或很复杂神经网络+ 许多功能发电机疯狂的复杂性和解决方案的可靠性不明......

you can not do this reliably for any type of input/output signal dependency instead you should support only some otherwise you need some kind of AI or very complex neural network + many functional generators with insane complexity and unknown reliability of the solution ...



polynomial up to some degree (可以使用任何插值/近似) Y = A0 + A1 * X + A2 * X * X + A3 * X * X * X


Y = A0 + A1 ^ X



Anyway I think just 3 input points will be not enough

例如多项式 A0 + A1 * X + A2 * X * X + A3 * X * X * X = Y 至少需要4个点 for example polynomial a0+a1*x+a2*x*x+a3*x*x*x=y needs at least 4 points


So at first you should determine which type of dependency it is and then try to find the coefficients of that particular function generator. For example:

如果您输入 X0&LT; X1&LT; X2&LT; X3,... 和输出 Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3,... K0 = Y0 / X0,K1 = Y1 / X1,... 如果 K0&LT;&LT; K1 - LT;&LT; K2&LT;&LT; K3&LT;&LT; ... K0&GT;&GT; K1&GT;&GT ; K2&GT;&GT; K3&GT;&GT; ... 很可能是指数的依赖 以其它方式使用多项式... if you have inputs x0<x1<x2<x3,... and outputs y0,y1,y2,y3,.. and k0=y0/x0,k1=y1/x1,... if k0<<k1<<k2<<k3<<... or k0>>k1>>k2>>k3>>... it is probably exponential dependency otherwise use polynomial ...

如果您有混合型的信号,那么你需要更多的输入点覆盖足够大的范围,可能会需要某种近似搜索< /一个系数最小化已知的输入和产生的输出之间的距离>。如果你有足够的积分,你可以标准化数据集,并使用相关系数将其与比较支持的函数发生器简化的决策

If you have mixed type signals then you need much more input points covering big enough range and probably would need some kind of approximation search of coefficients minimizing the distance between known inputs and generated output. If you have enough points you can normalize dataset and use correlation coefficient to compare it with supported function generators to simplify the decisioning



在什么样的相关性将得到支持(类型,奇,组合) 您有多少个输入点有(最低,建议等) 什么是目标precision /错误 什么是x的目标范围,Y

