
由网友(南风旧巷)分享简介:我发现下面的code查找支点使用快速排序第一,最后和中间元素的值:I found the following code for finding a pivot for quicksort using median of first, last and middle element:int middle = ( lo...


I found the following code for finding a pivot for quicksort using median of first, last and middle element:

int middle = ( low + high ) / 2;
        if( a[ middle ].compareTo( a[ low ] ) < 0 )
            swapReferences( a, low, middle );
        if( a[ high ].compareTo( a[ low ] ) < 0 )
            swapReferences( a, low, high );
        if( a[ high ].compareTo( a[ middle ] ) < 0 )
            swapReferences( a, middle, high );

            // Place pivot at position high - 1
        swapReferences( a, middle, high - 1 );
        Comparable pivot = a[ high - 1 ];


I want to know after finding the median, why is the swap done with index high-1 instead of high?


的原因是,该算法不仅找到了中间值,这也排序低,中,高的元素。三排列之后,你知道,[中] LT = A(高)。所以,你只需要分区前高的元素,因为[大]大于或等于支点。

The reason is that the algorithm does not only find the median, it also sorts the low, middle and high elements. After the three permutations you know that a[middle]<=a[high]. So you need only to partition the elements before high, because a[high] is greater or equal to pivot.

让我们来看一个例子:低= 0,中间= 4,高= 8。你的阵列是这样的:

Let's look at an example: low=0, middle=4 and high=8. Your array is like this:

lowerOrEqualToPivot X X X pivot X X X greaterOrEqualToPivot


If you swap middle with high, you need to partition the 8 elements between brackets :

[ lowerOrEqualToPivot X X X greaterOrEqualToPivot X X X ] pivot


If you swap middle with high-1, you need to split only 7 elements:

[ lowerOrEqualToPivot X X X X X X ] pivot greaterOrEqualToPivot


By the way there is a bug in the first line:

int middle = ( low + high ) / 2; //Wrong
int middle = ( low + high ) >>> 1; //Correct


The reason is that if (low + high) is greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE you will have an overflow and middle will be a negative number. The second line will always give you a positive result.


