
由网友(丢一地的真心没人珍惜)分享简介:我给Ç布尔N个阵列。我想这些组织成一个数据结构,它允许我做以下操作尽可能快:给定一个新的数组,返回true,如果这个数组是任何存储阵列的超集。随着超我的意思是:A是B的一个超集,如果A [1]是真正的每个i其中B [i]为真。如果乙方[i]为假,则A [1]可以是任何东西。I am given N arrays of...

我给Ç布尔N个阵列。我想这些组织成一个数据结构,它允许我做以下操作尽可能快:给定一个新的数组,返回true,如果这个数组是任何存储阵列的超集。随着超我的意思是:A是B的一个超集,如果A [1]是真正的每个i其中B [i]为真。如果乙方[i]为假,则A [1]可以是任何东西。

I am given N arrays of C booleans. I want to organize these into a datastructure that allows me to do the following operation as fast as possible: Given a new array, return true if this array is a "superset" of any of the stored arrays. With superset I mean this: A is a superset of B if A[i] is true for every i where B[i] is true. If B[i] is false, then A[i] can be anything.


Or, in terms of sets instead of arrays:


Store N sets (each with C possible elements) into a datastructure so you can quickly look up if a given set is a superset of any of the stored sets.


Building the datastructure can take as long as possible, but the lookup should be as efficient as possible, and the datastructure can't take too much space.


I think this is an interesting problem on its own, but for the thing I'm really trying to solve, you can assume the following:

N = 10000 C = 1000 在存储阵列稀疏 的抬起头阵列是随机的(所以不疏)


For O(NC) lookup: Just iterate all the arrays. This is just too slow though.

对于O(C)查询:我有一个很长的描述,但作为阿米特指出的意见,这是一个基本的 BDD 。虽然这有很大的查找速度,它具有节点的指数数量。随着N和C如此之大,这需要太多的空间。

For O(C) lookup: I had a long description here, but as Amit pointed out in the comments, it was basically a BDD. While this has great lookup speed, it has an exponential number of nodes. With N and C so large, this takes too much space.

我希望在这个O(N * C)和O(C)的解决方案之间,有可能是O(日志(N)* C)的解决方案,不要求空间的指数数量。

I hope that in between this O(N*C) and O(C) solution, there's maybe a O(log(N)*C) solution that doesn't require an exponential amount of space.

对于O(开方(N)C)查找:存储阵列作为 preFIX线索。当查找一个数组A,转到相应的子树,如果A [1] = 0,但访问两个子树,如果A [1] = 1。

For O(sqrt(N)C) lookup: Store the arrays as a prefix trie. When looking up an array A, go to the appropriate subtree if A[i]=0, but visit both subtrees if A[i]=1.


My intuition tells me that this should make the (average) complexity of the lookup O(sqrt(N)C), if you assume that the stored arrays are random. But: 1. they're not, the arrays are sparse. And 2. it's only intuition, I can't prove it.


I will try out both this new idea and the BDD method, and see which of the 2 work out best.


But in the meantime, doesn't this problem occur more often? Doesn't it have a name? Hasn't there been previous research? It really feels like I'm reinventing the wheel here.


我想补充一些背景信息到 preFIX线索的解决方案,最近我发现了以下文件:

Just to add some background information to the prefix trie solution, recently I found the following paper:

I.Savnik:索引数据结构快速的子集,超集查询的。 CD-ARES,IFIP LNCS,2013年

I.Savnik: Index data structure for fast subset and superset queries. CD-ARES, IFIP LNCS, 2013.


The paper proposes the set-trie data structure (container) which provides support for efficient storage and querying of sets of sets using the trie data structure, supporting operations like finding all the supersets/subsets of a given set from a collection of sets.

有关的任​​何蟒蛇有意在实际执行的用户,我想出了上述纸部分基于一个python3包。它包含一个套线索为基础的容器,也映射容器,其中键是集。你可以找到它的 github上。

For any python users interested in an actual implementation, I came up with a python3 package based partly on the above paper. It contains a trie-based container of sets and also a mapping container where the keys are sets. You can find it on github.


