发现平均在O(log n)的平均、发现、log

由网友(▓゛最初的信仰)分享简介:现在的问题是,我们怎样才能找到整数值的接收流的中位数(如12,14,252,243,15中位数为15)的 O(日志N)其中N是值的数量。请注意,我们有整数值流,因此通过接收每一个值,我们必须重新寻找中值。The question is how we can find the median of a receiving...

现在的问题是,我们怎样才能找到整数值的接收流的中位数(如12,14,252,243,15中位数为15)的 O(日志N)其中N是值的数量。请注意,我们有整数值流,因此通过接收每一个值,我们必须重新寻找中值。

The question is how we can find the median of a receiving stream of integer values(e.g. for 12, 14, 252, 243, 15 the median is 15) in O(log N) where N is number of values. Please note that we have a stream of integer values, hence by receiving each value, we have to re-find the median.


  | Input | median
1 |   12  |   12
2 |   14  |   13 = (12+14)/2
3 |   252 |   14


P.S: An example of using this algorithm could be filtering an image.



Okay, with the update to the question so the intent is clear (not just find the median, but re-find the median each time you receive a new number), I think there's a way.


I'd start with a pair of heaps: a max-heap and a min-heap. The min-heap will contain the numbers larger than the median, and the max-heap the numbers smaller than the median. When you receive the first number, that's your median. When you receive the second, you insert the smaller of the two into the max-heap, and the larger of the two into the min-heap. The median is then the average of the smallest on the min-heap, and the largest on the max-heap.


Along with the two heaps, you'll want storage for a single integer that will be the current median when you've received an odd number of inputs. You'll populate that fairly simply: if you receive an input with it currently empty, you basically sort those two items and insert the smaller into the heap for the smaller items, and larger into the heap for larger items. Your new median will then be the mean of the bases of those two heaps (and you'll mark the other storage location as empty).


When you receive a new number with that empty, you'll compare the new number to the median. If it's between the numbers as the bases of the heaps, it's the new median, and you're done. Otherwise, extract the number from the base that must hold the median (larger numbers of the new number is larger, smaller if it's smaller) and put it into the median spot, then insert the new number into heap that came from.

至少如果没有记错,提取/插入堆应为O(log N)。我相信一切参与应该是恒定的复杂性。

At least if memory serves, the extract/insert into a heap should be O(log N). I believe everything else involved should be constant complexity.


