图 - 找到顶点从所有其它顶点可达顶点、可达

由网友(宇宙无敌超级霹雳小仙女)分享简介:给定一个图,我们怎样才能判断是否存在一个顶点v,使所有其它顶点可达。该算法应该是尽可能高效Given a graph, how can we determine whether or not there exists a vertex v, from which all other vertices are reac...


Given a graph, how can we determine whether or not there exists a vertex v, from which all other vertices are reachable. the algorithm should be as efficient as possible.


I know how to do it if we are checking for a given vertex; we could do dfs on the reverse graph. But for this question, it seems inefficient to do it for every vertex in the graph.




使用的Tarjan算法找到强烈该图在时间的连接组件 O(| V | + | E |)。如果你再缩水每个组件到一个节点,你会留下一个向无环图。存在一个顶点从所有其他人可以当且仅当恰好有一个顶点在DAG与度0。这是你要找的顶点到达 - 即所谓的母亲顶点

Use Tarjan's algorithm to find the strongly connected components of the graph in time O(|V|+|E|). If you then "shrink" each component to a single node, you'll be left with a directed acyclic graph. There exists a vertex from which all others can be reached if and only if there is exactly one vertex in the DAG with in-degree 0. This is the vertex you're looking for - the so-called "mother vertex".


