
由网友(骑着小猪追宝马)分享简介:在最近的一次在compition我被要求设计一个算法之一是,为当V顶点和E边的网络,当加入一条边(它的容量应为1)结果在增加的最大流量。这是我们要设计这样一个algoritm找到这样的边缘。 In the recent time in one of the compition I have been asked to...


In the recent time in one of the compition I have been asked to design an algorithm that, for a network having V vertices and E edges, if by adding an edge (it's capacity should be 1) results in increase the maximum flow. that is we have to design such an algoritm to find such edges.

算法应该再快 O(| E | * H(| V || E |)),其中 H(| V || E |)的时间在计算最大流量采取

Algorithm should be faster then O(|E|* h(|V||E|)) where h(|V||E|) is time taken in computing maximum flow.


Thanks in advance. Let me know if it is unclear.



(Corrected version of what Philip said.) Compute a maximum flow. Extract an uncapacitated, directed graph consisting of the arcs with positive residual capacity. Adding a particular arc increases the maximum flow if and only if there are paths from the source to the tail and from the head to the sink, i.e., the introduction of the arc creates an augmenting path.

在您的例子 {S-> A,A-> B,A-> C,A-> D,B->吨,C> T,D - >吨} ,最大流量 S-3> A,A-1> B,A-1> C,A-1> D,B-1&GT ; T,C-1> T,D-1>吨,剩余图有每一个落后的弧形 {A-> S,B> A,C - >一种,D> A,叔> B,叔> C,T-D 1和D} 。顶点可达的距离取值 {S} T 是【T】,所以唯一的单弧,可以增加最大流量 S->吨

In your example {s->a, a->b, a->c, a->d, b->t, c->t, d->t}, the maximum flow is s-3>a, a-1>b, a-1>c, a-1>d, b-1>t, c-1>t, d-1>t, and the residual graph has every backward arc {a->s, b->a, c->a, d->a, t->b, t->c, t->d}. The vertices reachable from s are {s} and the vertices reachable from t are {t}, so the only single arc that could increase the max flow is s->t.