如何从冰川恢复的文件夹(或整桶)到Amazon S3?冰川、文件夹、Amazon

由网友(花葬)分享简介:我改变了生命周期一堆我的水桶在Amazon S3这样的存储类设置为冰川。我使用在线AWS控制台这样做。我现在又需要这些文件。 I changed the lifecycle for a bunch of my buckets on Amazon S3 so their storage class was set to...

我改变了生命周期一堆我的水桶在Amazon S3这样的存储类设置为冰川。我使用在线AWS控制台这样做。我现在又需要这些文件。

I changed the lifecycle for a bunch of my buckets on Amazon S3 so their storage class was set to Glacier. I did this using the online AWS Console. I now need those files again.


I know how to restore them back to S3 per file. But my buckets have thousands of files. I wanted to see if there was a way to restore the entire bucket back to S3, just like there was a way to send the entire bucket to Glacier?


I'm guessing there's a way to program a solution. But I wanted to see if there was a way to do it in the Console. Or with another program? Or something else I might be missing?


没有内置的工具这一点。 文件夹在S3是一种幻想的人们方便的基础上,正向斜线的对象键(路径/文件名),并迁移到冰川每个对象都必须单独还原,虽然...

There isn't a built-in tool for this. "Folders" in S3 are an illusion for human convenience, based on forward-slashes in the object key (path/filename) and every object that migrates to glacier has to be restored individually, although...

当然,你可以写一个脚本来遍历层次结构,并把这些恢复使用您选择的编程语言的SDK或REST API请求。

Of course you could write a script to iterate through the hierarchy and send those restore requests using the SDKs or the REST API in your programming language of choice.


Be sure you understand how restoring from glacier into S3 works, before you proceed. It is always only a temporary restoration, and you choose the number of days that each object will persist in S3 before reverting back to being only stored in glacier.

另外,你要确定你明白罚款额恢复在短时间内过多的冰川数据,或者你可以在一些意想不到的开支。根据紧迫性,你可能要发$ P $垫还原操作了数天或数周。

Also, you want to be certain that you understand the penalty charges for restoring too much glacier data in a short period of time, or you could be in for some unexpected expense. Depending on the urgency, you may want to spread the restore operation out over days or weeks.


