
由网友(最后一颗心。)分享简介:我用弹性魔豆的Web仪表盘,使应用程序和环境。我知道我可以更新,使用仪表板和上传我的应用程序的zip文件,但我宁愿使用命令行来上传我的应用程序。I've used the web dashboard of Elastic Beanstalk to make an application and an environm...


I've used the web dashboard of Elastic Beanstalk to make an application and an environment. I know I can update that using the dashboard and uploading a zip file of my application, but I would rather use the command line to upload my application.

显然,正确的工具,这是 EB 的CLI界面,弹性魔豆。我已经安装了这一点,并试图使用它,继亚马逊部署瓶应用到AWS弹性魔豆的教程。然而,这似乎创造一个完全不同的应用程序到一个可见的EB仪表盘 - 做它不会显示在仪表盘上的变化,以及应用程序甚至有一个不同的URL

Apparently the correct tool for this is eb, the CLI for Elastic Beanstalk. I've installed this and attempted to use it, following the Amazon "Deploying a Flask Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk" tutorial. However, this seems to create a completely different application to the one visible on the EB dashboard - changes made to it don't appear on the dashboard, and the application even has a different URL.


How can I use the command line to access an existing application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk?


要开始使用混帐aws.push 为您的应用程序,您必须初始化与AWS的Git仓库魔豆元数据。我使用的是git的版本控制假设(的如果你不是,你将不得不首先初始化与 git的初始化项目的)。

To begin using git aws.push for your application you will have to initialize your git repository with AWS Beanstalk metadata. I'm assuming you are using git for version control (if you are not, you will have to initialize your project with git init first).

$ cd angrywhopper
$ git init #optional
$ eb init
$ git aws.push


Walk through wizard steps, commit your code and push the app.

弹性魔豆容器可以通过重新运行 EB初始化进一步定制或内部.ebextensions目录中的配置文件。

Elastic Beanstalk container can be further customized by either rerunning eb init or with configuration file inside .ebextensions directory.

如果 EB 不支持的东西,你想用,看看的