
由网友(_╰不具名的悲伤、)分享简介:我有,我已经写了code从互联网解析某些BBC电台的XML数据的标准Java项目。该项目被称为BBCSchedules,我感兴趣的是所谓的BBCChannel,类I have a standard Java project in which I've written code to parse some BBC Ra...


I have a standard Java project in which I've written code to parse some BBC Radio XML data from the internet. The project is called BBCSchedules and the class I'm interested in is called BBCChannel.


I'm now trying to use the BBCChannel class in an Android application. How should I go about doing this?


I've tried various things, following various bits of advice on the internet, and the place I've got to at the moment is compiling my BBCSchedules project to a .jar file, and importing that to the Android project using the Build Path/Library/Add External Jar option. However, Eclipse still doesn't recognise the BBCChannel class, and won't let me run the application because of this.


I guess I've done something silly wrong, but what is it?


UPDATE: I've tried the steps listed in How can I use external JARs in an Android project? and various other StackOverflow questions I can find that seem to be related to this, but absolutely nothing seems to work. Any other ideas?


UPDATE: The discussions I've had with the author of the first answer below suggest that it is something to do with how I am using Eclipse to attach the .jar file. The project he sent me with the .jar file already attached didn't work. Any other ideas anyone?


把你的项目的库/ 目录下的JAR。然后构建路径 - >库 - >添加JAR应该让你挑一个出来你的项目。 IIRC,这适用于Eclipse的。

Put the JAR in your project's libs/ directory. Then Build Path -> Library -> Add JAR should allow you to pick the one out of your project. IIRC, this works with Eclipse.

如果您决定哪天倾倒的Eclipse,只是有在你的JAR 库/ 就够了 - 命令行构建工具会自动把它捡起来。

If you decide someday to dump Eclipse, just having your JAR in libs/ is enough -- the command-line build tools will pick it up automatically.

更新:如果你有R17或更高版本的ADT Eclipse插件的版本,现在你只需要添加一个库/ 目录把你的JAR在那里。它会自动被添加到您的构建路径,就像使用命令行版本。

UPDATE: If you have the R17 or newer version of the ADT Eclipse plugin, now you only need to add a libs/ directory and put your JAR in there. It will automatically be added to your build path, much like with command-line builds.


