
由网友(奶嘴,还我初吻@)分享简介:我有一个内存溢出异常画廊在600X800像素的JPEG的。I am having an OutOfMemory exception with a gallery over 600x800 pixels JPEG's.环境 我一直在使用画廊与JPG图片论坛围绕600X800像素。I've been using Ga...


I am having an OutOfMemory exception with a gallery over 600x800 pixels JPEG's.



I've been using Gallery with JPG images around 600x800 pixels.


Since my content may be a bit more complex than just images, I have set each view to be a RelativeLayout that wraps ImageView with the JPG.


In order to "speed up" the user experience I have a simple cache of 4 slots that prefetches (in a looper) about 1 image left and 1 image right to the displayed image and keeps them in a 4 slot HashMap.


我使用256的RAM和128堆大小AVD,具有600X800的屏幕。 它也发生在随行人员边缘的目标,不同的是该设备是难以调试。

I am using AVD of 256 RAM and 128 Heap Size, with a 600x800 screen. It also happens on an Entourage Edge target, except that with the device it's harder to debug.



OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget


And it happens when fetching the fifth image. I have tried to change the size of my image cache, and it is still the same.



In order to make sure the heap limit is very far away from what I need, I have defined a dummy 8MB array in the beginning, and left it unreferenced so it's immediately dispatched. It is a member of the activity thread and is defined as following

static { @SuppressWarnings("unused")
byte dummy[] = new byte[ 8*1024*1024 ]; }    

其结果是,堆的大小几乎是11MB,这一切都是免费的。 注意的我加那招后,开始崩溃。它使内存溢出的不那么频繁。

The result is that the heap size is nearly 11MB and it's all free. Note I have added that trick after it began to crash. It makes OutOfMemory less frequent.


Now, I am using DDMS. Just before the crash (does not change much after the crash), DDMS shows:

ID  Heap Size   Allocated   Free       %Used    #Objects
1   11.195 MB   2.428 MB    8.767 MB   21.69%   47,156  


Type  Count  Total Size   Smallest   Largest   Median    Average
free  1,536  8.739MB      16B        7.750MB   24B       5.825KB


The largest block is 7.7MB. And yet the LogCat says:

ERROR/dalvikvm-heap(1923): 925200-byte external allocation too large for this process.


If you mind the relation of the median and the average, it is plausible to assume that most of the available blocks are very small. However, there is a block large enough for the bitmap, it's 7.7M. How come it is still not enough?


Note: I recorded a heap trace. When looking at the amount of data allocated, it does not feel like more than 2M is allocated. It does match the free memory report by DDMS.

难道是我遇到像堆碎片的一些问题? 如何解决/解决方法的问题? 共享给所有线程堆? 难道是我除preT的DDMS读出了错误的方式,而且确实没有900K块分配?如果是的话,有谁能够告诉我在哪里可以看到?





I think there's nothing special in your case. There's just not enough memory. You can't have several 600x800 bitmaps in memory, they consume too much memory. You should save them to SD and load to memory on demand. I think that's exactly what you do.


One thing you should be aware of: DDMS displays java heap memory consumption. But there's also native memory that is not displayed in DDMS. And bitmaps as far as I understand are created in native memory. So DDMS is just a bad tool to track these memory issues. You just need to be sure that you free your memory, that images are collected by Garbage Collector after you don't need them any more.


Garbage Collector works on it's own schedule. That's why you should call Bitmap.recycle() method on bitmaps that you don't need any more. This method frees exactly the native memory that you run out of. This way you don't depend on GC and you can free largest piece of memory as soon as possible.


First of all you should ensure that you don't leak bitmaps.


Here's a nice post on memory allocations, it can help you to dig deeper


