
由网友(奔溃边缘)分享简介:我在寻找使用WebSQL将数据存储在一个Android PhoneGap的应用程序,但不知道从哪里开始。有没有必要从网上检索数据的应用程序脱机,我想有一个可以查询一个prepopulated数据库。几个问题:如何创建一个pre填充的数据库? (它应该是什么样的文件格式)如果有两个因素是可以改变的,我如何才能从数据库...

我在寻找使用WebSQL将数据存储在一个Android PhoneGap的应用程序,但不知道从哪里开始。有没有必要从网上检索数据的应用程序脱机,我想有一个可以查询一个prepopulated数据库。几个问题: 如何创建一个pre填充的数据库? (它应该是什么样的文件格式) 如果有两个因素是可以改变的,我如何才能从数据库中的这些因素,使用SQL相结合的结果。 请问,如果用户清除在Android设备上从设置菜单中的应用程序数据的数据库被消灭? 感谢您的帮助。谢谢

I'm looking to use a WebSQL to store data in an Android PhoneGap app but dunno where to start. There is no need to retrieve data from the web as the application is offline, and I want to have a prepopulated database that can be queried. A few questions: How do you create a pre-populated database? (what kind of file format should it be) If there are two factors can be changed, how do I get the result of a combination of these factors from the database using SQL. Will the database be wiped if the user clears app data from the Settings menu on an Android device? Grateful for any help. thanks


1)您可以借助工具例如的 SQLite的经理 或你已经在你的应用程序的数据库,你可以直接得到数据库文件。

Prepopulate SQLite DataBase in PhoneGap Application

1) You can create a basic database for app with the help of tools like SQLite Manager or if you already have a database in your app you can directly get the database files.

2)然后,你需要通过命令行安装科尔多瓦/ PhoneGap的SQLitePlugin。 (科尔多瓦/ PhoneGap的SQLitePlugin )

2) Then you need to install Cordova/PhoneGap SQLitePlugin by CLI . (Cordova/PhoneGap SQLitePlugin)

cordova plugin add https://github.com/brodysoft/Cordova-SQLitePlugin


3) Addd following script file in your html.

<script src="plugins/com.brodysoft.sqlitePlugin/www/SQLitePlugin.js"></script>



4) If you are working for emulator then copy your databas using command prompt, I have added myDB.sqlite in asset folder then run .

adb push myDB.sqlite /data/data/com.my_app.my_app/databases/myDB.sqlite

5)的设备,只是把他们捆绑的应用程序,在Android的情况下,资产的文件夹。你需要myDB.sqlite和file__0 / 0000000000000001.sqlite文件。

5) For device, just put them in to bundle of app that is assets folder in case of Android . you need myDB.sqlite and file__0/0000000000000001.sqlite files.

6)现在,你必须将文件复制在应用程序的应用程序第一次启动时的天然位置,并确保这些文件应你的第一个SQLite的查询之前复制。要复制这些文件,您可以使用基于您的环境下code段。 JAVA(安卓)。 的 更多... 的

6) Now you have to copy the files at the native location of application at the time of first boot of application, and make sure that the files should copy before your very first SQLite query. To copy these files you can use the following code snippet based on your environment. JAVA (Android). More...

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        try {
            String pName = this.getClass().getPackage().getName();
            this.copy("myDB.sqlite", "/data/data/" + pName + "/databases/");
            this.copy("0000000000000001.sqlite", "/data/data/" + pName + "/app_database/file__0/");
        } catch (IOException e) {


    void copy(String file, String folder) throws IOException {

        File CheckDirectory;
        CheckDirectory = new File(folder);
        if (!CheckDirectory.exists()) {

        InputStream in = getApplicationContext().getAssets().open(file);
        OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(folder + file);
        // Transfer bytes from in to out
        byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
        int len;
        while ((len = in.read(buf)) > 0) out.write(buf, 0, len); in .close();



7) Then add snippet in your js file.

        document.addEventListener("deviceready", dbConnection, false);            

    function dbConnection(){

        db = window.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase("myDB.sqlite", "1.0", "DB", 2000000);
        db.transaction(function(tx) {  
            tx.executeSql("SELECT * from table", [], function(tx, res) {                           
                for(var i=0; i<res.rows.length; i++){                        ;
                    console.log("RESULT:" + res.rows.item(i)['field_name']);


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