
由网友(漂流)分享简介:我这里有一个棘手的问题。我需要用户进行支付银行(即巴克莱)在英国。要做到这一点,我有一个HTTPS URL,我添加参数(如金额支付,订单编号等)的URL,启动该HTTP连接为Intent.ActionView,这将用户重定向到浏览器,在那里他可以输入自己的信用卡详细信息,银行的网页,并支付给我们的帐户成功。到目前为止好...

我这里有一个棘手的问题。我需要用户进行支付银行(即巴克莱)在英国。要做到这一点,我有一个HTTPS URL,我添加参数(如金额支付,订单编号等)的URL,启动该HTTP连接为Intent.ActionView,这将用户重定向到浏览器,在那里他可以输入自己的信用卡详细信息,银行的网页,并支付给我们的帐户成功。到目前为止好?

在code我用的是下面(我改变值隐私的原因),现在的问题是,我需要找回的应用程序,当用户完成/失败/取消付款。 Barclaycardautomatically重定向到一个特定的URL时,付款成功,另外一个,如果它失败了。难道就没有办法知道什么时候巴克莱支付已经成功,这样那我就回去了android应用程序以某种方式吗?

 按钮cardbutton =(按钮)findViewById(R.id.card_button);
        字符串preHashString =新的String();
        字符串proHashString =新的String();
        字符串SHAPassPhrase =新的String();

        SHAPassPhrase =GSvTh£h70ZkHdAq9b; //测试环境

        preHashString = preHashString +金额=+将String.valueOf((INT)(order.getPaymentAmount()* 100.00))+ SHAPassPhrase;
        preHashString = preHashString +BGCOLOR = CCCCCC+ SHAPassPhrase;
        preHashString = preHashString +CN =+ user.getString(姓名)+ SHAPassPhrase;
        preHashString = preHashString +汇率= GBP+ SHAPassPhrase;
        preHashString = preHashString +LANGUAGE = EN_US+ SHAPassPhrase;
        preHashString = preHashString +ORDERID =+ order.getOrderId()+ SHAPassPhrase;

            proHashString = SHA1(preHashString);
        赶上(抛出:NoSuchAlgorithmException E)
        赶上(UnsupportedEncodingException E)

        字符串的redirectUrl =htt​​ps://mdepayments.epdq.co.uk/ncol/test/orderstandard.asp;

        的redirectUrl + = +将String.valueOf((INT)(order.getPaymentAmount()* 100))金额=?;
        的redirectUrl + =&放大器; CN =+ user.getString(姓名);
        的redirectUrl + =&放大器;货币= GBP;
        的redirectUrl + =&放大器; LANGUAGE = EN_US;
        的redirectUrl + =与& ORDERID =+ order.getOrderId();
        的redirectUrl + =&放大器; SHASIGN =+ proHashString;

        意图I =新的意图(Intent.ACTION_VIEW,Uri.parse(的redirectUrl));





看一看的WebView这里和的 WebViewClient这里

I've got a tricky question here. I need users to make a payment to a bank (namely Barclaycard) in UK. To do so, I have a https URL , I add the parameters (such as amount to pay, order reference, etc) to the URL, start this http connection as an Intent.ActionView, which will redirect the user to the browser where he can enter his credit card details on the bank's webpage and make the payment to our account successfully. So far so good ?

The code I use is below (I changed values for privacy reasons) The problem is, I need to get back to the app when the user has completed/failed/cancelled the payment. Barclaycardautomatically redirects to a particular URL when the payment has succeeded, another one if it failed. Is there no way of knowing when Barclaycard payment has succeeded so that then I would go back to the android app somehow ?

Button cardbutton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.card_button);
cardbutton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener()
    public void onClick(View arg0)
        String preHashString = new String();
        String proHashString = new String();
        String SHAPassPhrase = new String();

        SHAPassPhrase = "GSvTh£h70ZkHdAq9b"; // FOR TEST ENVIRONMENT

        preHashString = preHashString + "AMOUNT=" + String.valueOf((int) (order.getPaymentAmount() * 100.00)) + SHAPassPhrase;
        preHashString = preHashString + "BGCOLOR=cccccc" + SHAPassPhrase;
        preHashString = preHashString + "CN=" + user.getString("name") + SHAPassPhrase;
        preHashString = preHashString + "CURRENCY=GBP" + SHAPassPhrase;
        preHashString = preHashString + "LANGUAGE=en_US" + SHAPassPhrase;
        preHashString = preHashString + "ORDERID=" + order.getOrderId() + SHAPassPhrase;

            proHashString = SHA1(preHashString);
        catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e)
        catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)

        String redirecturl = "https://mdepayments.epdq.co.uk/ncol/test/orderstandard.asp";

        redirecturl += "?AMOUNT=" + String.valueOf((int) (order.getPaymentAmount() * 100));
        redirecturl += "&CN=" + user.getString("name");
        redirecturl += "&CURRENCY=GBP";
        redirecturl += "&LANGUAGE=en_US";
        redirecturl += "&ORDERID=" + order.getOrderId();
        redirecturl += "&SHASIGN=" + proHashString;

        Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(redirecturl));


You can have your own Webview in place inside your app, with some done / close button somewhere.. Then you can track all urls getting open in your WebView and do your stuff accordingly..User will stay in your app always..that solves your purpose..

For tracking all urls inside your WebView you need to register one WebViewClient and ovveride below function

public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading (WebView view, String url)

Have a look at WebView here and WebViewClient here


