
由网友(你好我爱你)分享简介:可能重复: Android:如何通过蓝牙连接到另一个活动? 我有一个应用程序中,我会通过蓝牙连接进行传输数据。I have an application in which I am going to be transferring data via a Bluetooth connection.在我的概念验证应...

可能重复:   Android:如何通过蓝牙连接到另一个活动?


I have an application in which I am going to be transferring data via a Bluetooth connection.


In my proof of concept app, I was able to put the Bluetooth communication in a different thread and keep all of my other work on the same activity (using ViewFlipper).


However, for my next iteration, I will need to use several different "screens" (activities). The flow would go something like this:


My initial activity will connect up to the Bluetooth device I will be getting the data from.


One activity off of the "main" activity will be to get a list of data from the BT device and display it in a list view. Then as I click on an item I will need to get a more detailed view of the data (which is shown in yet ANOTHER activity but also has to access the BT connection).


There will be additional, specific activities off of the "main" activity.


So my question is how is the best way to manage that, where I initiate the Bluetooth connection ONCE and don't have to initiate it again for each activity?



As Alex said store a controller for the connection as a member of a subclass of a custom application class.

您不得不做出这样的扩展了Android应用类自己的应用程序类,并在你的清单中注册此类。现在,你可以用 getApplication 和应用它转换为子类。现在,您可以访问您的应用程序类的成员变量。

You have to make your own application class that extends the android application class and register this class in your manifest. Now you can get the Application with getApplication and cast it to your subclass. Now you can access the member variables of your Application class.


Some other possibilities are described in the android documentations.

我就不会在你的应用程序类使用静态字段。世界上只有一个应用程序类不管怎样,你可以肯定,当你的应用程序正在运行的整个应用程序的对象不会被破坏。 Android的书籍有些作者指出,这不是一定的静态变量。

I would not use a static field in your application class. There is only one application class anyway and you can be sure that the whole application object won't be destroyed while your app is running. Some authors of Android books state that this is not that certain for static variables.


