
由网友(扣扣伤感男生)分享简介:我很新Android和努力学习各种技术,包括使用编辑文本选项搜索栏。我目前解析使用JSON并将其存储在列表中的活动微博。另外,实施是使用的EditText选项搜索栏,使得当用户输入接收到新arraylist.But不知它需要与TextWatcher和ListActivity得到整合任何东西。I am very m...

我很新Android和努力学习各种技术,包括使用编辑文本选项搜索栏。 我目前解析使用JSON并将其存储在列表中的活动微博。 另外,实施是使用的EditText选项搜索栏,使得当用户输入接收到新arraylist.But不知它需要与TextWatcher和ListActivity得到整合任何东西。

I am very much new to android and trying to learn various techniques including Search bar using Edit Text options. I am currently parsing Twitter using JSON and storing it in a list activity. Also, implementing is the search bar using EditText option such that when a user enters anything it receives a new arraylist.But somehow it needs to get integrated with TextWatcher and ListActivity.

实际收到的错误:创建TextWatcher的构造函数。 TwitterFeedAdapter具有构造公共TwitterFeedAdapter(活动一,INT textViewResourceId,ArrayList的鸣叫),但是当我得到的搜索值回我用TwitterFeedAdapter为ArrayList的,但它需要实现TextWatcher。

The actual error received : Create Constructor of TextWatcher. TwitterFeedAdapter has constructor as public TwitterFeedAdapter(Activity a, int textViewResourceId, ArrayList tweets) but when I get the search values back I use TwitterFeedAdapter as ArrayList but it needs to implement TextWatcher.


Any ideas how can I revert the way I am doing or any better help.

/ **的 TwitterFeedActivity 的** /


public class TwitterFeedActivity extends Activity implements TextWatcher{

public Bitmap placeholder;

private EditText et;
private ListView listView;

private ArrayList<Tweet> tweets;
private ArrayList<Tweet> array_sort= new ArrayList<Tweet>();
int textLength = 0;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    tweets = getTweets("android", 1);

    listView = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.ListViewId);
    et = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.EditText01);

    listView.setAdapter(new TwitterFeedAdapter(this, R.layout.list_item, tweets));  

    et.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher()

        public void afterTextChanged(Editable arg0) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub


        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence arg0, int arg1,
                int arg2, int arg3) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub


        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence arg0, int arg1, int arg2,
                int arg3) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            textLength = et.getText().length();

            for (int i = 0; i < tweets.size(); i++)
                if (textLength <= tweets.size())
                    if(et.getText().toString().equalsIgnoreCase((String)((CharSequence) tweets.get(i)).subSequence(0,textLength)))
                            /***** Error is here since TwitterFeedAdapter has Activity implemented for it *******/
            listView.setAdapter(new TwitterFeedAdapter(this, R.layout.list_item array_sort));


public ArrayList<Tweet> getTweets(String searchTerm, int page) {
    String searchUrl = "http://search.twitter.com/search.json?q=@" 
                        + searchTerm + "&rpp=100&page=" + page;

    ArrayList<Tweet> tweets = new ArrayList<Tweet>();

    HttpClient client = new  DefaultHttpClient();
    HttpGet get = new HttpGet(searchUrl);

    ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();

    String responseBody = null;
        responseBody = client.execute(get, responseHandler);

    }catch(Exception ex) {

    JSONObject jsonObject = null;
    JSONParser parser=new JSONParser();

    try {
        Object obj = parser.parse(responseBody);

    }catch(Exception ex){
        Log.v("TEST","Exception: " + ex.getMessage());

    JSONArray arr = null;

    try {
        Object j = jsonObject.get("results");
        arr = (JSONArray)j;
        System.out.println(arr + "Array");
    }catch(Exception ex){
        Log.v("TEST","Exception: " + ex.getMessage());

    for(Object t : arr) {
        Tweet tweet = new Tweet(

    return tweets;

/** Classes **/

public class Tweet {
    public String username;
    public String message;
    public String image_url;
    public Boolean usernameSet = false;
    public Boolean messageSet = false;
    public Boolean imageSet = false;
    public Bitmap avatar;

    public Tweet(String username, String message, String url) {
        this.username = username;
        this.message = message;
        this.image_url = url;

/ **的 TwitterFeedAdapter.java 的**** /


public class TwitterFeedAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Tweet> {
private ArrayList<Tweet> tweets;
private Activity activity;
public ImageManager imageManager;

public TwitterFeedAdapter(Activity a, int textViewResourceId, ArrayList<Tweet> tweets) {
    super(a, textViewResourceId, tweets);
    this.tweets = tweets;
    activity = a;

    imageManager = new ImageManager(activity.getApplicationContext());

public static class ViewHolder{
    public TextView username;
    public TextView message;
    public ImageView image;

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
    View v = convertView;
    ViewHolder holder;
    if (v == null) {        
        LayoutInflater vi = 
        v = vi.inflate(R.layout.list_item, null);
        holder = new ViewHolder();
        holder.username = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.username);
        holder.message = (TextView) v.findViewById(R.id.message);
        holder.image = (ImageView) v.findViewById(R.id.avatar);

    final Tweet tweet = tweets.get(position);
    if (tweet != null) {
        imageManager.displayImage(tweet.image_url, activity, holder.image);
    return v;



如果您在设置该适配器尝试改变 TwitterFeedActivity.this 如下...

Where you are setting the adapter try changing this to TwitterFeedActivity.this as follows...

listView.setAdapter(new TwitterFeedAdapter(TwitterFeedActivity.this, R.layout.list_item, array_sort));

编辑:同时您code缺失之间的 R.layout.list_item 一个逗号和 array_sort 。我已经添加到我上面的例子。

Also your code is missing a comma between R.layout.list_item and array_sort. I've added it to my example above.


