什么是Android UI线程的堆栈大小限制,以及如何克服呢?堆栈、线程、大小、Android

由网友(守護甜訫)分享简介:我收到的 java.lang.StackOverflowErrors 当我视图层次正在绘制:在android.view.View.draw(View.java:6880)在android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1646)在android.view.ViewG...

我收到的 java.lang.StackOverflowErrors 当我视图层次正在绘制:


Research点我的看法层次太深为Android来处理。事实上,使用的层次浏览器,我可以看到我的时间最长的嵌套的 19 的意见(!)

我的应用程序看起来有点像谷歌Play商店的应用程序(使用刷卡标签)。每个标签是一个片段视图寻呼机内嵌套的片段 - 使用V4支持和HoloEverywhere。显然,这是为什么我的等级已经变得有点疯狂。






疯狂的想法 - 我注意到,每个视图层增加约3函数调用(View.draw,ViewGroup.dispatchDraw,ViewGroup.drawChild)。也许我可以做我自己的ViewGroup实现(自定义布局),也就是减少浪费堆栈拉制过程中()?


我相信,主线程的堆栈由JVM控制 - 在Android的情况下 - 的Dalvik JVM。如果我没有记错的相关常量在的Dalvik / VM / Thread.h 的#define kDefaultStackSize


3的API(Android 1.5 )= 8KB

API 4-10(的Andr​​oid 1.6 - 的Andr​​oid 2.3.7 )= 12KB

API 14-17(的Andr​​oid 4.0 - 的Andr​​oid 4.2.2 )= < STRONG> 16KB


不可能准确地说。假设堆栈大小如上所述,这一切都取决于有多少函数调用你有你最深的嵌套(多少变数每个功能需要,等等)。看来,问题的领域是当正在绘制的意见,从 android.view.ViewRoot.draw()。每个视图调用它的孩子们的画,并进入深如你最深的嵌套。


请记住,优化,如何实际的小部件/布局的实施也可能会影响此。话虽如此,我相信大多数的堆栈空间是由每一个布局层次增加约3嵌套函数吃过来电:画() - > dispatchDraw () - > drawChild()键,这样的设计并没有从2.3太多的改变 - 4.2

Android 子线程 UI 操作真的不可以

I'm getting java.lang.StackOverflowErrors when my view hierarchy is being drawn:

at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6880)
at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1646)
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1373)
at android.view.View.draw(View.java:6883)
at android.view.ViewGroup.drawChild(ViewGroup.java:1646)
at android.view.ViewGroup.dispatchDraw(ViewGroup.java:1373)

Research points to my view hierarchy being too deep for Android to handle. Indeed, using Hierarchy Viewer, I can see that my longest nesting is 19 views (!)

My app looks somewhat like the Google Play store app (with swipe tabs). Every tab is a nested fragment inside a fragment view pager - using v4 support and HoloEverywhere. Obviously, this is why my hierarchy has gotten a bit crazy.

My questions:

What is the real stack size limit? I found no way to measure the stack size of the UI thread. Some rumors on the net say 8KB, but is there a way to measure this accurately on some sample devices?

Does the stack size limit change with OS ver? The same hierarchy does not crash on an 4.0.3 device but does crash on a 2.3.3 device (identical hardware). Why is that?

Is there any solution except optimizing the hierarchy manually? I found no way to increase the ridiculously small stack of the UI thread. Sorry, but 60-100 stack frame limit is a joke.

Assuming there's no miracle solution on #3, any recommendations for where the core hierarchy optimization should be done?

Crazy idea - I noticed that every view layer adds about 3 function calls (View.draw, ViewGroup.dispatchDraw, ViewGroup.drawChild). Maybe I can make my own ViewGroup implementation (custom layouts) that is less wasteful on stack during draw()?


I believe that the main thread's stack is controlled by the JVM - in Android's case - Dalvik JVM. The relevant constant if I'm not mistaken is found in dalvik/vm/Thread.h under #define kDefaultStackSize

Browsing for stack sizes through the dalvik source history:

API 3 (Android 1.5) = 8KB

API 4-10 (Android 1.6 - Android 2.3.7) = 12KB

API 14-17 (Android 4.0 - Android 4.2.2) = 16KB

So how many nested views can you have:

Impossible to say accurately. Assuming the stack sizes are as described above, it all depends on how many function calls you have in your deepest nesting (and how many variables each function takes, etc). It seems that the problematic area is when the views are being drawn, starting with android.view.ViewRoot.draw(). Each view calls the draw of its children and it goes as deep as your deepest nesting.

I would perform empirical tests at least on the devices appearing in all the boundary groups above. It seems that using the emulator gives accurate results (although I've only compared the native x86 emulator to a real device).

Keep in mind that optimizations to how the actual widgets / layouts are implemented may also influence this. Having said that, I believe that most of the stack space is eaten by every layout hierarchy adding about 3 nested function calls: draw() -> dispatchDraw() -> drawChild() and this design hasn't changed much from 2.3 - 4.2.


