
由网友(无色无味的生活)分享简介:不幸的是,有大量的cookie经理的Andr​​oid。该饼干的HttpURLConnection 是由 java.net.CookieManager 维护和饼干的的WebView 是由 android.webkit.CookieManager 。这些cookie的存储库是独立的,需要手动同步。Unfortunate...

不幸的是,有大量的cookie经理的Andr​​oid。该饼干的HttpURLConnection 是由 java.net.CookieManager 维护和饼干的的WebView 是由 android.webkit.CookieManager 。这些cookie的存储库是独立的,需要手动同步。

Unfortunately, there's a multitude of cookie managers for Android. The cookies for HttpURLConnection are maintained by java.net.CookieManager and the cookies for WebView are maintained by android.webkit.CookieManager. These cookie repositories are separate and require manual synchronization.

我的应用程序同时使用 HttpURLConnections 和表演 WebViews (这是一个纯HTML混合动力)。当然,我希望同时共享所有Cookie - 所以我将有一个透明的会话中的所有跨

My app uses both HttpURLConnections and shows WebViews (it's a native-HTML hybrid). Naturally, I want both to share all cookies - so I will have a transparent session all across.


当一个Cookie设置/在HttpURLConnection的改变,我想WebViews看到这种改变。 当一个Cookie设置/在一个web视图改变了,我想接下来的HttpURLConnections看到这样的改变。

简单地说 - 我在寻找一个双向同步。甚至更好,让他们都使用相同的cookie存储库。你可以假设这两个活跃在同一时间(如在不同的选项卡)。

Simply put - I'm looking for a two-way sync. Or even better, to have them both use the same cookie repository. You can assume both are active in the same time (like on different tabs).



Is there a way to make both use the same cookie repository?


If not, what is the recommended practice to do the manual sync? When exactly should I sync and how?

相关问题::该question铲球类似的问题,但只能实现单向同步(HttpURLConnection类 - > web视图)

Related Question: This question tackles a similar issue, but only implements one-way sync (HttpURLConnection -> WebView).

我的最佳创意至今:我真的想避免手动同步,所以我试图去思考如何使两者使用相同的存储库。也许我可以创造我自己的核心处理器延伸 java.net.CookieManager 。我将其设置为使用核心cookie处理程序 java.net.CookieHandler.setDefault()。它的实施将是在 android.webkit.CookieManager 处理程序实例(每一个功能,我会简单地访问WebKit的经理)的代理。

My Best Idea So Far: I really want to avoid a manual sync, so I tried to think how to make both use the same repository. Maybe I can create my own core handler which extends java.net.CookieManager. I will set it as the core cookie handler using java.net.CookieHandler.setDefault(). Its implementation will be a proxy to the android.webkit.CookieManager handler instance (for every function I'll simply access the webkit manager).


我实现我自己的想法。它实际上是pretty的凉爽。我已经创建了自己的实施 java.net.CookieManager 的这一切转发请求到WebViews的webkit android.webkit.CookieManager 。这意味着,没有同步是必需的,HttpURLConnection的使用的一样的的cookie存储作为WebViews。

I've implemented my own idea. It's actually pretty cool. I've created my own implementation of java.net.CookieManager which forwards all requests to the WebViews' webkit android.webkit.CookieManager. This means no sync is required and HttpURLConnection uses the same cookie storage as the WebViews.


import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.CookieManager;
import java.net.CookiePolicy;
import java.net.CookieStore;
import java.net.URI;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class WebkitCookieManagerProxy extends CookieManager 
    private android.webkit.CookieManager webkitCookieManager;

    public WebkitCookieManagerProxy()
        this(null, null);

    public WebkitCookieManagerProxy(CookieStore store, CookiePolicy cookiePolicy)
        super(null, cookiePolicy);

        this.webkitCookieManager = android.webkit.CookieManager.getInstance();

    public void put(URI uri, Map<String, List<String>> responseHeaders) throws IOException 
        // make sure our args are valid
        if ((uri == null) || (responseHeaders == null)) return;

        // save our url once
        String url = uri.toString();

        // go over the headers
        for (String headerKey : responseHeaders.keySet()) 
            // ignore headers which aren't cookie related
            if ((headerKey == null) || !(headerKey.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie2") || headerKey.equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie"))) continue;

            // process each of the headers
            for (String headerValue : responseHeaders.get(headerKey))
                this.webkitCookieManager.setCookie(url, headerValue);

    public Map<String, List<String>> get(URI uri, Map<String, List<String>> requestHeaders) throws IOException 
        // make sure our args are valid
        if ((uri == null) || (requestHeaders == null)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument is null");

        // save our url once
        String url = uri.toString();

        // prepare our response
        Map<String, List<String>> res = new java.util.HashMap<String, List<String>>();

        // get the cookie
        String cookie = this.webkitCookieManager.getCookie(url);

        // return it
        if (cookie != null) res.put("Cookie", Arrays.asList(cookie));
        return res;

    public CookieStore getCookieStore() 
        // we don't want anyone to work with this cookie store directly
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();


// unrelated, just make sure cookies are generally allowed

// magic starts here
WebkitCookieManagerProxy coreCookieManager = new WebkitCookieManagerProxy(null, java.net.CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ALL);



My initial testing show this is working well. I see cookies shared between the WebViews and HttpURLConnection. I hope I'll not run into any issues. If you try this out and discover any problem, please comment.