
由网友(冷月醉夕阳)分享简介:我想使用的AsyncTask 在我的应用程序,但我无法找到一个code段与事物是如何工作的一个简单的解释。我只是想要的东西帮我拿回去的速度很快,而不必涉水通过文档或大量的Q&放大器;至于一次。 I want to use an AsyncTask in my app but I am having trouble f...

我想使用的AsyncTask 在我的应用程序,但我无法找到一个code段与事物是如何工作的一个简单的解释。我只是想要的东西帮我拿回去的速度很快,而不必涉水通过文档或大量的Q&放大器;至于一次。

I want to use an AsyncTask in my app but I am having trouble finding a code snippet with a simple explanation of how things work. I just want something to help me get get back up to speed quickly without having to wade through the documentation or lots of Q&As again.




Here is a skeletal code outline with explanations:

public class AsyncTaskTestActivity extends Activity {

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // This starts the AsyncTask
        // Doesn't need to be in onCreate()
        new MyTask().execute("my string paramater");

    // Here is the AsyncTask class:
    // AsyncTask<Params, Progress, Result>.
    //    Params – the type (Object/primitive) you pass to the AsyncTask from .execute() 
    //    Progress – the type that gets passed to onProgressUpdate()
    //    Result – the type returns from doInBackground()
    // Any of them can be String, Integer, Void, etc. 

    private class MyTask extends AsyncTask<String, Integer, String> {

        // Runs in UI before background thread is called
        protected void onPreExecute() {

            // Do something like display a progress bar

        // This is run in a background thread
        protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
            // get the string from params, which is an array
            String myString = params[0];

            // Do something that takes a long time, for example:
            for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {

                // Do things

                // Call this to update your progress

            return "this string is passed to onPostExecute";

        // This is called from background thread but runs in UI
        protected void onProgressUpdate(Integer... values) {

            // Do things like update the progress bar

        // This runs in UI when background thread finishes
        protected void onPostExecute(String result) {

            // Do things like hide the progress bar or change a TextView



Flow Diagram:


Here is a diagram to help explain where all the parameters and types are going:

What参数传递到AsyncTask的&LT; ARG1,ARG2,ARG3&GT ;? Slidenerd的Andr​​oid AsyncTask的教程:Android的初学者教程 安卓:为什么,何时以及如何使用AsyncTask的使用例子 Understanding AsyncTask的 - 一劳永逸 Dealing与AsyncTask的和屏幕方向 如何将多个参数传递给AsynkTask how在两个不同的数据类型传递给AsyncTask的,Android的 What arguments are passed into AsyncTask<arg1, arg2, arg3>? Slidenerd Android AsyncTask Tutorial: Android Tutorial For Beginners Android: Why, When and How to use AsyncTask with example Understanding AsyncTask – Once and Forever Dealing with AsyncTask and Screen Orientation How to pass multiple parameters to AsynkTask how to pass in two different data types to AsyncTask, Android

