
由网友(情话再甜也只是一种敷衍)分享简介:什么我的应用程序呢?我开发的应用程序是一个典型的客户端服务器应用其中谈到要使用WiFi Windows服务器。该应用程序有多个活动,真正具有高内存和CPU的要求,即对Speex语音编码/解码本地调用。What my App does ?The App I am developing is a typical c...

什么我的应用程序呢? 我开发的应用程序是一个典型的客户端服务器应用其中谈到要使用WiFi Windows服务器。该应用程序有多个活动,真正具有高内存和CPU的要求,即对Speex语音编码/解码本地调用。

What my App does ? The App I am developing is a typical client server App which talks to a windows server using Wifi. The Application has multiple Activities and really has heavy memory and CPU requirements i.e native calls for speex encoding / decoding.

我的问题是? 问题是应用程序突然重新启动工作时绝对没问题。有时,正常工作时突然我看到(在logcat中),其应用程序类的构造函数(类延伸API的应用程序类)被调用。那崩溃我的应用程序,因为所有的全局数据都存储在应用程序类本身。

What my Problem is ? The problem is the Application restarts suddenly while working absolutely fine. Sometimes while working normally suddenly I see (in logcat ) that the Constructor of Application class (Class which extends API's Application Class) is called. That crashes my App since all the global data is stored with in the Application class itself.

我做了什么? 袭击我的脑海里的第一件事是,可能是Android的感觉他们是低内存,因此终止我的应用程序,而不是重新启动自动。所以,我实现了 onLowMemory()应用程序类。但让我吃惊它永远不会被调用。

What I have done ? The first thing which struck my mind was that may be Android feels their is low memory so it terminates my App, and than restarts it automatically. So I implemented onLowMemory() of Application class. But to my surprise it is never called..


What is the main problem ? The main problem is that Nothing is printed on LogCat. It looks that even the Android itself is clueless about why it restarted my already running Application ?


What could be the possible reason of this sudden restart ? How can I avoid that ?


I am working on Galaxy Y, and the API version is 2.3.6. My AndroidManifiest.xml looks like

<manifest xmlns:android=""
    android:versionName="1.0" >

        android:targetSdkVersion="10" />

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_VIDEO" />

    <uses-feature android:name="" />
    <uses-feature android:name="" />

        android:label="@string/app_name" >
            android:screenOrientation="user" >
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
            android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Black.NoTitleBar" >

                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
            android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Black.NoTitleBar" >

                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />


修改 我刚才看到在LogCat中下面的输出使用CheckJNI后,

EDIT I just saw following output in LogCat after using CheckJNI,

06-26 17:27:30.023: I/remove(24544): Sending Signal : 13 **//App Working fine here**
06-26 17:27:32.148: D/dalvikvm(24544): GC_CONCURRENT freed 446K, 49% free 3384K/6599K, external 1057K/1076K, paused 3ms+4ms
06-26 17:27:39.531: W/dalvikvm(24544): **HeapWorker may be wedged: 7374ms spent** inside LsomePackageName/modules/AudioPlayer;.finalize()V
06-26 17:27:40.023: I/remove(24544): Sending Signal : 13
06-26 17:27:40.218: D/dalvikvm(24544): GC_CONCURRENT freed 479K, 49% free 3383K/6599K, external 1057K/1076K, paused 9ms+5ms 
06-26 17:27:42.343: E/RoobrooApp(24670): Application Instance created **//Restarted** 
06-26 17:27:42.351: I/ApplicationPackageManager(24670): cscCountry is not German : INS

更新 而在更进一步的实验我故意分配一个非常大的内存为双阵列。但让我吃惊既不 onLowMemory()叫,也没有重新启动应用程序,而不是我OutOfMemoryException异常。如果onLowMemory()不会被调用,为什么它的存在?

UPDATE While experimenting further at one step I intentionally allocated a very large memory for a double array. But to my surprise neither onLowMemory() called nor the App restarted instead I got outOfMemoryException. If onLowMemory() is never called why it is there ?

还有一个问题是,重新启动后的操作系统已经开始BuddyListActivity代替LoginActivity ...帮助真正需要的......

One more problem is that after restart OS already starts BuddyListActivity instead of LoginActivity... Help really needed ....

更新2 我刚才看到下面的错误日志,我真的不知道这意味着什么。

UPDATE 2 I just saw following error log, I really don't know what that means..

06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308): ReferenceTable overflow (max=1024)
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308): Last 10 entries in JNI pinned array reference table:
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308):  1014: 0x405b0280 cls=[B (340 bytes)
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308):  1015: 0x405b03d8 cls=[S (660 bytes)
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308):  1016: 0x405d8208 cls=[B (340 bytes)
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308):  1017: 0x405d8360 cls=[S (660 bytes)
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308):  1018: 0x405f8b08 cls=[B (340 bytes)
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308):  1019: 0x405f8c60 cls=[S (660 bytes)
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308):  1020: 0x405f8ef8 cls=[B (340 bytes)
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308):  1021: 0x405ff698 cls=[S (660 bytes)
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308):  1022: 0x405f9050 cls=[B (340 bytes)
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308):  1023: 0x405ff930 cls=[S (660 bytes)
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308): JNI pinned array reference table summary (1024 entries):
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308):     1 of [B 20B
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308):   508 of [B 340B (508 unique)
06-29 12:07:28.398: W/dalvikvm(19308):     3 of [B 348B (3 unique)
06-29 12:07:28.406: W/dalvikvm(19308):   511 of [S 660B (511 unique)
06-29 12:07:28.406: W/dalvikvm(19308):     1 of [S 668B
06-29 12:07:28.406: W/dalvikvm(19308): Memory held directly by tracked refs is 511712 bytes
06-29 12:07:28.406: E/dalvikvm(19308): Failed adding to JNI pinned array ref table (1024 entries)
06-29 12:07:28.406: I/dalvikvm(19308): "Thread-14" prio=5 tid=12 RUNNABLE
06-29 12:07:28.406: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x4050e548 self=0x2240b8
06-29 12:07:28.406: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | sysTid=19953 nice=-19 sched=0/0 cgrp=[fopen-error:2] handle=1905240
06-29 12:07:28.406: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | schedstat=( 207153329 82244881 1015 )
06-29 12:07:28.406: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at com.argusoft.roobrooAndroid.speex.SpeexEncoder.encode(Native Method)
06-29 12:07:28.406: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at com.argusoft.roobrooAndroid.speex.SpeexEncoder.encodeFrame(
06-29 12:07:28.406: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at com.argusoft.roobrooAndroid.models.Session.capturedAudioReceived(
06-29 12:07:28.406: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at
06-29 12:07:28.406: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at
06-29 12:07:28.406: E/dalvikvm(19308): VM aborting
06-29 12:07:29.726: W/AudioTrack(19308): obtainBuffer() track 0x1d3520 disabled, restarting
06-29 12:07:30.351: W/dalvikvm(19308): threadid=4: spin on suspend #1 threadid=1 (pcf=0)
06-29 12:07:30.898: W/AudioTrack(19308): obtainBuffer() track 0x1d3520 disabled, restarting
06-29 12:07:31.101: W/dalvikvm(19308): threadid=4: spin on suspend #2 threadid=1 (pcf=0)
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308): "Signal Catcher" daemon prio=5 tid=4 RUNNABLE
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x40510490 self=0x159898
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | sysTid=19312 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=[fopen-error:2] handle=1575600
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | schedstat=( 1556395 4913328 26 )
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at Method)
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308): "main" prio=5 tid=1 RUNNABLE
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x40022198 self=0xcec8
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | sysTid=19308 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=[fopen-error:2] handle=-1345006496
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | schedstat=( 5364166234 3306213349 13647 )
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at Method)
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at com.argusoft.roobrooAndroid.modules.AudioPlayer.onPeriodicNotification(
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at$NativeEventHandlerDelegate$1.handleMessage(
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at android.os.Looper.loop(
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at$
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at
06-29 12:07:31.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
06-29 12:07:31.851: W/dalvikvm(19308): threadid=4: spin on suspend #3 threadid=1 (pcf=0)
06-29 12:07:31.851: I/dalvikvm(19308): "Signal Catcher" daemon prio=5 tid=4 RUNNABLE
06-29 12:07:31.851: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x40510490 self=0x159898
06-29 12:07:31.851: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | sysTid=19312 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=[fopen-error:2] handle=1575600
06-29 12:07:31.851: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | schedstat=( 2868652 6927485 37 )
06-29 12:07:31.851: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at Method)
06-29 12:07:31.851: I/dalvikvm(19308): "main" prio=5 tid=1 RUNNABLE
06-29 12:07:31.851: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x40022198 self=0xcec8
06-29 12:07:31.851: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | sysTid=19308 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=[fopen-error:2] handle=-1345006496
06-29 12:07:31.851: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | schedstat=( 5364166234 3306213349 13647 )
06-29 12:07:32.000: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at Method)
06-29 12:07:32.015: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at
06-29 12:07:32.031: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at com.argusoft.roobrooAndroid.modules.AudioPlayer.onPeriodicNotification(
06-29 12:07:32.039: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at$NativeEventHandlerDelegate$1.handleMessage(
06-29 12:07:32.054: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
06-29 12:07:32.054: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at android.os.Looper.loop(
06-29 12:07:32.062: W/AudioTrack(19308): obtainBuffer() track 0x1d3520 disabled, restarting
06-29 12:07:32.070: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at
06-29 12:07:32.093: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
06-29 12:07:32.101: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
06-29 12:07:32.109: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at$
06-29 12:07:32.125: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at
06-29 12:07:32.132: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
06-29 12:07:32.890: W/dalvikvm(19308): threadid=4: spin on suspend #4 threadid=1 (pcf=0)
06-29 12:07:32.890: I/dalvikvm(19308): "Signal Catcher" daemon prio=5 tid=4 RUNNABLE
06-29 12:07:32.890: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | group="system" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x40510490 self=0x159898
06-29 12:07:32.890: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | sysTid=19312 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=[fopen-error:2] handle=1575600
06-29 12:07:32.890: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | schedstat=( 5340582 316192616 59 )
06-29 12:07:32.898: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at Method)
06-29 12:07:32.898: I/dalvikvm(19308): "main" prio=5 tid=1 RUNNABLE
06-29 12:07:32.898: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | group="main" sCount=1 dsCount=0 obj=0x40022198 self=0xcec8
06-29 12:07:32.898: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | sysTid=19308 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=[fopen-error:2] handle=-1345006496
06-29 12:07:32.898: I/dalvikvm(19308):   | schedstat=( 5364166234 3306213349 13647 )
06-29 12:07:32.929: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at Method)
06-29 12:07:32.945: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at
06-29 12:07:32.953: I/dalvikvm(19308):   at com.argusoft.roobrooAndroid.modules.AudioPlayer.onPeriodicNotification(

解决方案 那么测试仍然在为改变code,一切似乎正值为止。该问题是内部JNI(我猜)。 @ n.Collins声明的报告由JVM没有错误的事实也表明它由您的本地code。是对解决方案的最正确的指针之一。我真的很感谢所有谁回答了这个问题真的帮了我以某种方式或其他人。其实,我删除了一组其他错误,同时试图解决这个问题,这一切都归功于社会。

Solution Well the testing is still on for the changed code and everything seems positive so far.. The problem was inside JNI (I guess). @n.Collins statement "The fact that no error is reported by the JVM also indicates it caused by your native code." Was one of the most correct pointers towards the solution. I really thank all the people who answered it really helped me in some way or the other. I actually removed a set of other bugs while trying to solve this problem all thanks to the community.


根据更新#2,这是pretty的清楚,你有没有取消固定在你的JNI数组。这意味着,你正在使用的获取LT;类型&GT; ArrayElements 并未能达到1与这些呼吁释放与其中的一个或多个;类型&GT; ArrayElements

Based on Update #2, it is pretty clear that you have failed to unpin an array in your JNI. This means that you are using the Get<Type>ArrayElements and have failed to match 1 or more of these calls with Release<Type>ArrayElements.

其结果是,该ReferenceTable满溢。寻找你在哪里调用get并没有要求释放的地方。例如,你可以在调用 GetIntArrayElements ,但不能称之为 ReleaseIntArrayElements 当你完成了。

As a result, the ReferenceTable is overflowing. Look for places where you are calling Get and not calling Release. For example you could be calling GetIntArrayElements but failing to call ReleaseIntArrayElements when you are finished.


