TileProvider方法getTile - 需要翻译x和y为纬度/长纬度、方法、TileProvider、getTile

由网友(十年后送你进婚礼殿堂)分享简介:我移植iOS应用程序到Android,并使用谷歌地图Android的API V2。应用程序需要绘制热图叠加到地图上。I’m porting an iOS app to Android, and using Google Maps Android API v2. The application needs to dr...

我移植iOS应用程序到Android,并使用谷歌地图Android的API V2。应用程序需要绘制热图叠加到地图上。

I’m porting an iOS app to Android, and using Google Maps Android API v2. The application needs to draw a heatmap overlay onto the map.

到目前为止,它看起来像最好的选择是使用 TileOverlay ,并实现自定义的 TileProvider 。在 getTile ,我的方法是给定的x,y和缩放,以及需要返回一个位图在瓷砖的形式方法。到目前为止,一切都很好。

So far, it looks like the best option is to use a TileOverlay and implement a custom TileProvider. In the method getTile, my method is given x, y, and zoom, and needs to return a bitmap in the form of a Tile. So far, so good.


I have an array of heatmap items that I will use to draw radial gradients onto the bitmap, each with a lat/long. I am having trouble with the following two tasks:

如何确定是否由X,Y,和变焦psented瓷砖重新$ P $包含/长热图项目的土地增值税? 如何翻译热图项目的纬度/长位图的x / y坐标。



由于以下MaciejGórski的回答,和马辛的实现我能得到我的问题回答了上半场,但我仍然需要与第二部分的帮助。为了澄清,我需要一个函数长返回tile的x / y坐标为指定纬度/。我试图扭转MaciejGórski的和马辛的回答计算没有运气。

Thanks to MaciejGórski's answer below, and marcin's implementation I was able to get the 1st half of my question answered, but I still need help with the 2nd part. To clarify, I need a function to return the x/y coordinates of the tile for a specified lat/long. I've tried reversing the calculations of MaciejGórski's and marcin's answer with no luck.

public static Point fromLatLng(LatLng latlng, int zoom){
    int noTiles = (1 << zoom);
    double longitudeSpan = 360.0 / noTiles;
    double mercator = fromLatitude(latlng.latitude);
    int y = ((int)(mercator / 360 * noTiles)) + 180;
    int x = (int)(latlng.longitude / longitudeSpan) + 180;
    return new Point(x, y);

任何帮助是AP preciated!

Any help is appreciated!


在缩放级别0,只有一个区域(X = 0,Y = 0)。瓷砖的下一个缩放级别数量的四倍(在X和Y一倍)。

On zoom level 0, there is only one tile (x=0,y=0). On next zoom level number of tiles are quadrupled (doubled on x and y).

这意味着在缩放级别是W ,X可以是范围℃的值为0,1&LT;&LT; W)。

This means on zoom level W, x may be a value in range <0, 1 << W).


的瓦片的坐标被从图的左上角(西北)角测量。在缩放级别N,瓦坐标x值范围从0到2N - 1,增加从西部到东部,而y值的范围从0到2N - 1,增加从北到南。

The coordinates of the tiles are measured from the top left (northwest) corner of the map. At zoom level N, the x values of the tile coordinates range from 0 to 2N - 1 and increase from west to east and the y values range from 0 to 2N - 1 and increase from north to south.


You can achieve this using simple calculations.


For longitude this is straightforward :

double longitudeMin = (((double) x) / (1 << zoom)) * 360 - 180;
double longitudeMax = (((double) x + 1) / (1 << zoom)) * 360 - 180;
longitudeMax = Double.longBitsToDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(longitudeMax) - 1); // adjust

下面x被第一比例为&LT; 0,1),然后进入&LT; -180,180)

Here x is first scaled into <0,1), then into <-180,180).


The max value is adjusted, so it doesn't overlap with the next area. You may skip this.


For latitude this will be a bit harder, because Google Maps use Mercator projection.

首先,你Y比例,就像它在范围和LT; -180,180)。需要注意的是价值需要得到扭转。

First you scale y just like it was in range <-180,180). Note that the values need to be reversed.

double mercatorMax = 180 - (((double) y) / (1 << zoom)) * 360;
double mercatorMin = 180 - (((double) y + 1) / (1 << zoom)) * 360;

现在你用一个神奇的功能,做墨卡托投影(从 SphericalMercator.java ):

Now you use a magical function that does Mercator projection (from SphericalMercator.java):

public static double toLatitude(double mercator) {
    double radians = Math.atan(Math.exp(Math.toRadians(mercator)));
    return Math.toDegrees(2 * radians) - 90;

latitudeMax = SphericalMercator.toLatitude(mercatorMax);
latitudeMin = SphericalMercator.toLatitude(mercatorMin);
latitudeMin = Double.longBitsToDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(latitudeMin) + 1);


This was was typed from memory and was not tested in any way, so if there is an error there, please put a comment and I will fix it.


