Eclipse的Java的Andr​​oid的初级问题 - 如何添加库或链接的文件夹。初学者参考初学者、文件夹、链接、问题

由网友(对长亭晚)分享简介:我刚开始与Android developmenent使用Eclipe,并已运行到一些基本问题。我有一些开始的书籍,如忙codeRS引导到Android ...和教自己的Andr​​oid应用Dev't在24小时内,但是,我没有看到一些基本的东西覆盖。I'm just starting with Android dev...

我刚开始与Android developmenent使用Eclipe,并已运行到一些基本问题。我有一些开始的书籍,如忙codeRS引导到Android ...和教自己的Andr​​oid应用Dev't在24小时内,但是,我没有看到一些基本的东西覆盖。

I'm just starting with Android developmenent using Eclipe and have already run into some basic questions. I have some beginning books such as "busy coders guide to Android..." and "Teach Yourself Android Application Dev't in 24 Hours", however, I'm not seeing some basic things covered.

谁能告诉我如何建立一个库,然后用它在一个项目?我有一些例如code,他们有出现在Ecliple称为一个文件夹,DataGatherLib右击并击中特性揭示它的类型是链接的文件夹中。我怀疑这就是我想要的。所以,我的具体问题是: 1.你如何在Eclipse中建立自己的库项目(链接的文件夹,如果这是合适的)。

Can someone tell me how to set up a library and then use it in a project? I have some example code where they have a folder appearing in Ecliple called, "DataGatherLib" Right clicking and hitting properties reveals it is of type "Linked Folder". I suspect this is what I want. So my specific questions are: 1. How do you set up your own library project (Linked Folder if that's appropriate) in Eclipse.

如何那么,你用你新建的库在Ecliple Android项目?


More generally, can someone point me to some good beginner references (books or online tutorials) that cover this. I would think that organizing your code in libaries as opposed to one big application is fairly basic, but I can't seem to find the discussion.

谢谢, 戴夫


在Eclipse中你的项目上单击右键,选择属性,然后在机器人,你会看到一个页面添加库项目。 顺便说一句,你应该做同样的库项目并将其标记为库之前,首先你可以添加。

In Eclipse right-click on your project, select "Properties", then "Android" and you see a page to add a library project. BTW, you should do the same on the library project and mark it as a library first before you can add.


Alternatively you can drag and drop jars to your project and add them to your classpath, but in this case you can only access class files and not the resource files in the jar.


