Android的 - 是否有可能创建一个自定义库在多个应用程序中使用?多个、有可能、自定义、创建一个

由网友(浪够了你的逼也烂透了)分享简介:是否有可能跨多个Android应用程序使用创建的Andr​​oid定制库(有自己的布局资源)?Is it possible to create a custom library in Android (having its own layout resources) for use across several An...


Is it possible to create a custom library in Android (having its own layout resources) for use across several Android applications?

我创建了一个普通的* .jar文件,但是当我试图创建/风格我的看法动态大部分属性不工作。即使从的android.jar文件中引用的简单风格,如 android.attr.listSeparatorTextViewStyle 的没有工作。

我创建了一个Android项目没有任何活动,有其自身的资源文件,然后引用该项目从另一个Android项目在其构建路径来使用。一切似乎都在正常工作,但模拟器总是崩溃(在任何有意义的错误消息,在 LogCat中),当我尝试运行该项目。

I created an Android project without any Activity, having its own resource files and then referenced this project from another Android project to use in its build path. Everything seems to work fine but the emulator keeps crashing (with no meaningful error message in the LogCat) when I try to run the project.



嗯,我认为是有办法做到这一点(虽然我没有尝试自己),但它需要你的库的用户不必建立他们的APK通过 AAPT 手动。

Well, I think there is a way to do it (although I didn't try it myself), but it requires the users of your library having to build their APKs manually via aapt.


The problem is this: The JAR you're exporting contains the R class file which holds the resource IDs of your library. So, any application can access these IDs by simply linking your JAR. However, that's not enough, because by default, only resources in the app's res/ folder are bundled with the APK. Hence, you have to create the APK yourself using aapt, telling it to also include any resources from your library. Check the aapt tool help for more information.


Since this implies that users of your library have to introduce a manual build process (or at least modify it), it makes for a poor experience.


