由网友(你永远不可能是我的)分享简介:由于SDK 4.2版本好像它不再是可以修改飞机模式的设备,因为谷歌已经移到此设置Settings.Global是只读的。Since the sdk version 4.2 it seems like it's no longer possible to modify airplane-mode on devices...

由于SDK 4.2版本好像它不再是可以修改飞机模式的设备,因为谷歌已经移到此设置Settings.Global是只读的。

Since the sdk version 4.2 it seems like it's no longer possible to modify airplane-mode on devices since google has moved this setting to Settings.Global which is read-only.


Has anyone been able to bypass this without and kind of rooting?


My apps primary function is to enable airplane-mode when the screen is turned off, and this stopped working since 4.2.


Just want to double check that my assessment is correct and that my app is dead starting from android 4.2 and above.

参考: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/Settings.Global.html#AIRPLANE_MODE_ON


我知道你明确要求的解决方案,而生根,但如果你有一个根深蒂固的设备有(种)至少官方的解决方案,以将您的应用程序到文件夹 /系统/应用程序。然后就可以写入 Settings.Global

I know you explicitly ask for a solution without rooting, but if you have a rooted device there is at least the (kind of) official solution to move your app into folder /system/app. Then it is possible to write into Settings.Global:

Settings.Global.putInt(context.getContentResolver(), Global.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, mode ? 1 : 0);

对于如何切换飞行模式4.2 以及如何将你的应用程序到 /系统/应用程序 此处。我用这对我的切换小部件的迷你状态的(源$ C ​​$ C链接)。

Have a look of how to toggle airplane mode for 4.2 and how to move your app into /system/app here. I use this for my toggle widget Mini Status (source code link).


