
由网友(ゐ连太阳都冷了)分享简介:如何使用OpenGL ES的Andr​​oid中播放视频?how to play video using opengl es in android?推荐答案你的问题有点含糊。如果你想要做的是在GL面播放视频,这是可能的。请参阅 媒体播放器样品code 戴夫指的是在他的样本。所有你需要做的还有就是更换 Surfac...

如何使用OpenGL ES的Andr​​oid中播放视频?

how to play video using opengl es in android?


你的问题有点含糊。如果你想要做的是在GL面播放视频,这是可能的。请参阅 媒体播放器样品code 戴夫指的是在他的样本。所有你需要做的还有就是更换 SurfaceView GLSurfaceView 在这两个MediaPlayerDemo_Video.java文件,并在相应的布局文件(mediaplayer_2.xml)。

Your question is a bit vague. If all you want to do is to play a video in a GL surface, it's possible. See the Media Player sample code that Dave was referring to in his sample. All you have to do there is to replace the SurfaceView with a GLSurfaceView in both the MediaPlayerDemo_Video.java file as well as in the corresponding layout file (mediaplayer_2.xml).

此外,你需要创建一个自定义渲染器类(一个实现 GLSurfaceView.Renderer 接口),并将其设置为您的 GLSurfaceView

Also you need to create a custom Renderer class (one that implements the GLSurfaceView.Renderer interface) and set it to your GLSurfaceView.


After you do all this, you will have your video playing on a GL surface, but that would be all.


If, on the other hand, you want to manipulate the video, i.e. to draw the video frames in a GL texture and add effects to it or transform it (for example scale, rotate, etc.), then I'm afraid this can't be done. The reason is that you don't have access to the raw video frames in your application.


