
由网友(我的世界没有你。)分享简介:我需要收集变化率 - 百分比 - 从我的应用程序的用户。下面是我使用的输入法:I need to collect a rate of change - in percentages - from my application's users. Here is the text input I am using:我需要收集变化率 - 百分比 - 从我的应用程序的用户。下面是我使用的输入法:

I need to collect a rate of change - in percentages - from my application's users. Here is the text input I am using:

<label for="annual-change" class="pt-underline"> I am anticipating
<input id="annual-change" ng-model="calc.yrChange"  type="text" placeholder="0" /> % of growth annually.<br><br>

现在我想要的是使用一个过滤器,取整数金额,用户输入并通过 或除以 100 的之前,我将它发送到控制器进行计算的

Now what I want is to use a filter that takes the integer amount that the user inputs and convert it to a percentage by multiplying it by 0.01 or dividing it by 100 before I send it to the controller for calculations


But I just can't figure out where to place the filter and how to hook it. So I tried it with a directive like so:

    app.directive("percent", function($filter){
    var p = function(viewValue){
      var m = viewValue.match(/^(d+)/);
      if (m !== null)
        return $filter('number')(parseFloat(viewValue)/100);

    var f = function(modelValue){
        return $filter('number')(parseFloat(modelValue)*100);

    return {
      require: 'ngModel',
      link: function(scope, ele, attr, ctrl){


This kind of works but shouldn't I be using a filter for this task? How do I do this?



Well, you just did it the absolute right way with the ctrl.$parser and ctrl.$formatter You just can leave out the $filter thing, its absulotuly not needed there. Just check it out they don't use the filter there, too.


