的Internet Explorer 11将替换Authorization头Explorer、Internet、Authorization

由网友(山秀溪清)分享简介:什么会导致Internet Explorer,以取代HTTP头文件What would cause Internet Explorer to replace the HTTP header授权:承载<服务器提供的令牌> 与授权:面议<有的令牌GT; 详细信息 在Internet Explor...

什么会导致Internet Explorer,以取代HTTP头文件

What would cause Internet Explorer to replace the HTTP header




在Internet Explorer中,配置为包含头文件授权一些AJAX请求:承载... 正在由Internet Explorer发送的头授权:面议... 而不是

In Internet Explorer, some AJAX requests that are configured to contain the header Authorization: Bearer ... are being sent by Internet Explorer with the header Authorization: Negotiate ... instead.

例如,提琴手显示,三个请求的前两个包含授权:承载... 头,而第三个突然包含授权:面议... 头。前两个请求是成功的,并且因为该请求不能被正确验证的第三失败。

For example, Fiddler shows that the first two of three requests contain the Authorization : Bearer... header, while the third suddenly contains the Authorization : Negotiate... header. The first two requests are successful, and the third fails because the request can't be properly authenticated.


All of the requests are constructed using the same client-side code, and are made one after another (within the span of a second). I have verified that the Authorization header correctly contains the Bearer token in all three cases up until the point the request is provided to the browser.


Also, I'm not seeing the same behavior in Chrome; it's only occurring in IE.


GET http://localhost/myapp/api/User HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Authorization: Bearer oEXS5IBu9huepzW6jfh-POMA18AUA8yWZsPfBPZuFf_JJxq-DKIt0JDyPXSiGpmV_cpT8FlL3D1DN-Tv5ZbT73MTuBOd5y75-bsx9fZvOeJgg04JcO0cUajdCH2h5QlMP8TNwgTpHg-TR9FxyPk3Kw6bQ6tQCOkOwIG_FmEJpP89yrOsoYJoCfrAoZ7M4PVcik9F9qtPgXmWwXB2eHDtkls44wITF_yM_rPm5C47OPCvMVTPz30KwoEPi6fHUcL3qHauP-v9uypv2e48TyPHUwLYmNFxyafMhBx4TkovnRcsdLHZiHmSjMq0V9a2Vw70
Referer: http://localhost/client/login.html
Accept-Language: en-US
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Host: localhost
DNT: 1
Connection: Keep-Alive


POST http://localhost/myapp/api/Permissions HTTP/1.1
Referer: http://localhost/client/#/Dashboard
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer oEXS5IBu9huepzW6jfh-POMA18AUA8yWZsPfBPZuFf_JJxq-DKIt0JDyPXSiGpmV_cpT8FlL3D1DN-Tv5ZbT73MTuBOd5y75-bsx9fZvOeJgg04JcO0cUajdCH2h5QlMP8TNwgTpHg-TR9FxyPk3Kw6bQ6tQCOkOwIG_FmEJpP89yrOsoYJoCfrAoZ7M4PVcik9F9qtPgXmWwXB2eHDtkls44wITF_yM_rPm5C47OPCvMVTPz30KwoEPi6fHUcL3qHauP-v9uypv2e48TyPHUwLYmNFxyafMhBx4TkovnRcsdLHZiHmSjMq0V9a2Vw70
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Accept-Language: en-US
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Host: localhost
Content-Length: 1419
DNT: 1
Connection: Keep-Alive
Pragma: no-cache

<Post Data Removed>


GET http://localhost/myapp/api/UserPreferences/Dashboard HTTP/1.1
Referer: http://localhost/client/#/Dashboard
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json, text/plain, */*
Accept-Language: en-US
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
Connection: Keep-Alive
DNT: 1
Host: localhost

该请求被通过AngularJS取得 $ HTTP 服务和后端是托管在IIS的ASP.NET Web API。

The requests are being made via the AngularJS $http service, and the back-end is ASP.NET Web API hosted in IIS.



I've just come across this issue too.


What was odd is that it worked fine on my development machine, it was when I deployed it the issue arose. Again it worked fine in Chrome, Firefox etc.

原来,问题是,IE浏览器是检测该网站上localintranet区,因此试图在自动尝试日志(它是由组策略设置 - 这是一个内部应用程序)。

It turns out that the issue is that IE was detecting the site was on the localintranet zone and was therefore trying to automatically trying log on (it was set by group policy - this is an internal app).

我的解决方法是,(幸运的)使用的是不是FQDN的服务器名称(例如MYSERVER),当它只是自动探测本地Intranet区域 - 但使用了全A

My workaround was that (luckily) it was only autodetecting local intranet zone when using a server name that wasn't an FQDN (e.g. myserver) - but using the full A


