
由网友(日子过得像废话)分享简介:我使用的UI路由器的新deferIntercept()无需重新加载更新浏览器URL我的控制器:I use the new deferIntercept() of ui-router to update the browser url without reloadingmy controller:$rootScop...


I use the new deferIntercept() of ui-router to update the browser url without reloading my controller:

$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(e, newUrl, oldUrl) {
  if ($state.current.name !== 'search') {

有了这个code,在浏览器的后退按钮点击更改网址为previous之一,但我不能更新我的控制器状态,以反映这种变化。$ stateParams仍然包含值设置当用户第一次加载页面。

With this code, a click on the browser's back button changes the URL to the previous one, but I'm not able to update my controller state to mirror this change. $stateParams still contains the values set when the user first loaded the page.

什么是更新$状态的最佳方式和$ stateParams我的控制器内的对象,当用户单击后退按钮或手动更改URL?

What's the best way to update the $state and $stateParams objects inside my controller when the user click the back button or change the URL manually ?



您调用 $ urlRouter.listen()应该放在事件处理程序之外。您提供的code段应改为:

Your call to $urlRouter.listen() should be placed outside the event handler. The code snippet you provided should be changed to:

$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(e, newUrl, oldUrl) {
  if ($state.current.name !== 'search') {

// Moved out of listener function

来源:的的官方文档提供了一个code样本 deferIntercept 方法。它调用放置到 $ urlRouter.listen()监听功能外:

Source: The official documentation for $urlRouter provides a code sample for the deferIntercept method. It places the call to $urlRouter.listen() outside of the listener function:

var app = angular.module('app', ['ui.router.router']);

app.config(function ($urlRouterProvider) {

  // Prevent $urlRouter from automatically intercepting URL changes;
  // this allows you to configure custom behavior in between
  // location changes and route synchronization:

}).run(function ($rootScope, $urlRouter, UserService) {

  $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function(e) {
    // UserService is an example service for managing user state
    if (UserService.isLoggedIn()) return;

    // Prevent $urlRouter's default handler from firing

    UserService.handleLogin().then(function() {
      // Once the user has logged in, sync the current URL
      // to the router:

  // Configures $urlRouter's listener *after* your custom listener

