棱角分明的UI /引导:测试使用一个对话框控制器棱角、对话框、控制器、分明

由网友(孤独症)分享简介:我已经从棱角分明的UI /引导使用对话框中的控制器:I've a controller that uses a Dialog from angular-ui/bootstrap:function ClientFeatureController($dialog, $scope, ClientFeature, Count...

我已经从棱角分明的UI /引导使用对话框中的控制器:

I've a controller that uses a Dialog from angular-ui/bootstrap:

   function ClientFeatureController($dialog, $scope, ClientFeature, Country, FeatureService) {

        //Get list of client features for selected client (that is set in ClientController)
        $scope.clientFeatures = ClientFeature.query({clientId: $scope.selected.client.id}, function () {
            console.log('getting clientfeatures for clientid: ' + $scope.selected.client.id);

        //Selected ClientFeature
        $scope.selectedClientFeature = {};

         * Edit selected clientFeature.
         * @param clientFeature
        $scope.editClientFeature = function (clientFeature) {
            //set selectedClientFeature for data binding
            $scope.selectedClientFeature = clientFeature;

            var dialogOpts = {
                templateUrl: 'partials/clients/dialogs/clientfeature-edit.html',
                controller: 'EditClientFeatureController',
                resolve: {selectedClientFeature: function () {
                    return clientFeature;
                } }
            //open dialog box
            $dialog.dialog(dialogOpts).open().then(function (result) {
                if (result) {
                    $scope.selectedClientFeature = result;
                    $scope.selectedClientFeature.$save({clientId: $scope.selectedClientFeature.client.id}, function (data, headers) {
                    }, null);


I'm almost completely new to testing, and figured that maybe I need to test two things:

如果$ scope.editClientFeature()调用打开一个对话框这$保存成功称为对话框关闭并返回一个结果后


My really messed up test now looks like this:

describe('ClientFeatureController', function () {
    var scope, $dialog, provider;

    beforeEach(function () {
            inject(function ($controller, $httpBackend, $rootScope, _$dialog_) {
            scope = $rootScope;
            $dialog = _$dialog_;

            //mock client
            scope.selected = {};
            scope.selected.client = {
                id: 23805

            $httpBackend.whenGET('http://localhost:3001/client/' + scope.selected.client.id + '/clientfeatures').respond(mockClientFeatures);
            $controller('ClientFeatureController', {$scope: scope});

    it('should inject dialog service from angular-ui-bootstrap module', function () {
        console.log($dialog); //{}

    var dialog;

    var createDialog = function (opts) {
        dialog = $dialog.dialog(opts);

    describe('when editing a clientfeature', function () {
        console.log(dialog); //undefined
//        var res;
//        var d;
//        beforeEach(function () {
//            var dialogOpts = {
//                template: '<div>dummy template</div>'
//            };
//            console.log(dialog);
//            d = $dialog.dialog(dialogOpts);
//            d.open();
//        });
//        it('should open a dialog when editing a client feature', function () {
//            expect(d.isOpen()).toBe(true);
//        });



The immediate problem now is that I'm unable to create/open a dialog. I get the following error:

Chrome 25.0 (Mac) ClientFeatureController when editing a clientfeature encountered a declaration exception FAILED
    TypeError: Cannot call method 'dialog' of undefined


It would be great if someone has already written a test for a similar use case and can provide me with an example as I'm pretty lost.




Personally I try to mock all services out. If the ui-bootstrap project does not provide a $dialog mock, you should open a bug ticket there and ask them for one. However creating one is as easy.


The mock service should have fake methods that do nothing but return promises. It should also give you a method to flush all asynchronous methods to make it easier to do synchronous testing.


