
由网友(单纯的脸丶毒蝎的心)分享简介:目前我正在上呈现的角度与节点/ EX preSS作为后端的特定数据。 Currently I'm trying to render a specific data on angular with node/express as the backend. 我想要实现的是每当用户点击一个特定的故事,它会链接到属于谁创造...

目前我正在上呈现的角度与节点/ EX preSS作为后端的特定数据。

Currently I'm trying to render a specific data on angular with node/express as the backend.


What I'm trying to achieve is whenever a user clicks a specific story, it will link to that specific story page that belongs to a user who created the story.


apiRouter.get('/:user_name/:story_id', function(req, res) {

            User.findOne({ name: req.params.user_name }, function(err, user, next) {

                if(err) return next(err);

                Story.findById(req.params.story_id, function(err, story) {

                    if(err) {

                        name: user.name,
                        story_id: story._id,
                        content: story.content



As for the backend(api) It does show the specific data that I wanted with POSTMAN chrome tool but when it comes to angular I'm really confuse of how to render the data to the html.



storyFactory.getSingleStory = function(user_name, story_id) {
        return $http.get('/api/' + user_name + story_id);



angular.module('storyCtrl', ['storyService'])

.controller('StoryController', function(Story, $routeParams) {

    var vm = this;

    Story.getSingleStory($routeParams.user_name, $routeParams.story_id)
        .success(function(data) {
            vm.storyData = data;




.when('/:user_name/:story_id', {
            templateUrl: 'app/views/pages/users/single.html',
            controller: 'StoryController',
            controllerAs: 'story'


index.html ( Just going to show the line where it goes to the single.html )

< A HREF =/ {{main.user.name}} / {{each._id}}>< H4> {{each.content}}< / H4>



Hello {{ main.user.name }}

<p>{{ story.content }}</p>

到目前为止,我无法管理与角度正确渲染数据,而与节点/ EX preSS我可以查询,我想与邮差的数据。我无言以对,并请救我脱离这混乱的角度给我:)

So far I couldn't manage to render the data properly with angular while with node/express I could query the data that I wanted with POSTMAN. I'm clueless and please save me from this confusion that angular giving me :)



I have went through your code, and you can improve in following parts:

而不是在你的控制器使用 VAR VM =此,你应该绑定所有对象 $范围,这是关键的双向数据绑定。例如

Instead of using var vm = this in your controller, you should bind all objects to $scope, which is the key to two-way data binding. For instance

angular.module('storyCtrl', ['storyService'])
.controller('StoryController', function($scope, Story, $routeParams) {
  var vm = this;
  Story.all().success(function(data) {
    $scope.stories = data;

然后的故事可以在视图直接访问。这将是比在HTML controllerName.stories 更具可读性。

Then stories can be accessed in View directly. It would be more readable than controllerName.stories in HTML.

<div class="col-md-6" ng-controller="StoryController as story">
  <div class="panel-body" ng-repeat="story in stories">
    <div class="comment-text">
      <a href="/{{ main.user.name }}/{{ story._id }}"><h4>{{ story.content }}</h4></a>

请记住,则(功能(响应))将只有一个参数传递给链接功能,而 .success(功能(数据,状态,头,配置))将检索HTTP响应数据。那么你的code加载单一的故事可以被转换成

2017年全球大数据产业报告之海外篇 第五集

Keep in mind, then(function(response)) will only pass one parameter to the chained function while .success(function(data, status, headers, config)) will retrieve data from HTTP response. Then your code to load single story can be converted to

Story.getSingleStory($routeParams.user_name, $routeParams.story_id)
.then(function(data, status, headers, config) {
    $scope.storyData = data;

现在我们可以访问 storyData 在View。

Now we can access storyData in View.

有在你的故事服务一个微小的错误。更改 generateReq(GET,/ API /+ USER_NAME + story_id) generateReq(GET,/ API /+ USER_NAME +'/'+ story_id)

There is a tiny bug in your Story Service. Change generateReq('GET', '/api/' + user_name + story_id) to generateReq('GET', '/api/' + user_name + '/' + story_id)