
由网友(感情流浪汉)分享简介:我想prevent,在这种情况下,Word中preSS,从此改写了某些网址。在这种情况下,我试图prevent从以往处理的上传目录的要求,而是留给那些服务器的404页。所以我假设它的简单,只要添加的规则:I'm trying to prevent, in this case WordPress, from rewri...


I'm trying to prevent, in this case WordPress, from rewriting certain URLs. In this case I'm trying to prevent it from ever handling a request in the uploads directory, and instead leave those to the server's 404 page. So I'm assuming it's as simple as adding the rule:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wp-content/uploads/


This rule should evaluate to false and make the chain of rules fail for those requests, thus stopping the rewrite. But no... Perhaps I need to match the cover the full string in my expression?

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wp-content/uploads/.*$


Nope, that's not it either. So after scratching my head I do a check of sanity. Perhaps something is wrong with the actual pattern. So I make a simple test case.

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/xyz/$

在这种情况下,重写发生当且仅当所请求的URL是/ XYZ /和显示服务器404页为任何其他页面。这正是我所期待的。所以我就坚持了!否定这一模式。

In this case, the rewrite happens if and only if the requested URL is /xyz/ and shows the server's 404 page for any other page. This is exactly what I expected. So I'll just stick in a ! to negate that pattern.

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/xyz/$

现在,我期待看到上述情况完全相反。重写不应该发生的/ XYZ /但对于所有其他可能的URL。相反,发生重写每一个URL,无论/ XYZ /等。

Now I'm expecting to see the exact opposite of the above condition. The rewrite should not happen for /xyz/ but for every other possible URL. Instead, the rewrite happens for every URL, both /xyz/ and others.


So, either the use of negated regexes in RewriteConds is broken in Apache, or there's something fundamental I don't understand about it. Which one is it?


The server is Apache2.


<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/wp-content/uploads/
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]


WordPress's default file plus my rule.



So, after a lot of irritation, I figured out the problem, sort of. As it turned out, the rule in my original question actually did exactly what it was supposed to. So did a number of other ways of doing the same thing, such as

RewriteRule ^wp-content/uploads/.*$ - [L]


(Mark rule as last if pattern matches) or

RewriteRule ^wp-content/uploads/.*$ - [S=1]


(Skip the next rule if pattern matches) as well as the negated rule in the question, as mentioned. All of those rules worked just fine, and returned control to Apache without rewriting.

在这些规则进行了处理的问题发生了。相反,问题是,我删除了我的主机提供一个默认的404.shtml,403.shtml等模板。如果你没有任何的.htaccess重写,这工作得很好;服务器将盛起自己的默认404页面,一切正常。 (至少这是我的想法,但事实上它是双重错误此外,在试图使用ErrorDocument来处理请求404未找​​到时遇到错误。)

The problem happened after those rules were processed. Instead, the problem was that I deleted a the default 404.shtml, 403.shtml etc templates that my host provided. If you don't have any .htaccess rewrites, that works just fine; the server will dish up its own default 404 page and everything works. (At least that's what I thought, but in actual fact it was the double error "Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.")


When you do have a .htaccess, on the other hand, it is executed a second time for the 404 page. If the page is there, it will be used, but now, instead the request for 404.shtml was caught by the catch-all rule and rewritten to index.php. For this reason, all other suggestions I've gotten here, or elsewhere, have all failed because in the end the 404 page has been rewritten to index.php.


So, the solution was simply to restore the error templates. In retrospect it was pretty stupid to delete them, but I have this "start from scratch" mentality. Don't want anything seemingly unnecessary lying around. At least now I understand what was going on, which is what I wanted.


Finally a comment to Cecil: I never wanted to forbid access to anything, just stop the rewrite from taking place. Not that it matters much now, but I just wanted to clarify this.


