与32位的ActiveX DLL在64位操作系统的问题操作系统、问题、ActiveX、DLL

由网友(False [虚伪])分享简介:我试图移动分级ASP网站,一个64位的Windows 2008服务器。这个问题我现在所拥有的(有可能是其他人,如果/当我过去,这一个)是,该网站依赖于一个旧VB6的DLL(32位),而我得到的臭名昭著的ActiveX组件不能创建对象错误。I'm trying to move a classing ASP site t...

我试图移动分级ASP网站,一个64位的Windows 2008服务器。这个问题我现在所拥有的(有可能是其他人,如果/当我过去,这一个)是,该网站依赖于一个旧VB6的DLL(32位),而我得到的臭名昭著的ActiveX组件不能创建对象错误。

I'm trying to move a classing ASP site to a 64-bit Windows 2008 server. The problem I have right now (there may be others if/when I get past this one) is that the site depends on an old VB6 DLL (32-bit), and I get the notorious "ActiveX component can't create object" error.


I tried taking IIS7 out of the equation by trying to get it to work with a simple VBS script file, and that's giving me the same thing.

该DLL具有唯一的依赖是ADO 2.6,并从我读过,这是不支持的,并且不需要为Windows 2008,作为WDAC包括在内,已经取代了MDAC。

The only dependency this DLL has is ADO 2.6, and from what I've read, this isn't supported and isn't needed for Windows 2008, as WDAC is included and has replaced MDAC.


I use the following to register my component:

C:WindowsSysWOW64regsvr32.exe "C:MyVb6Com.dll"


I checked the registry, and everything appears correct there. My VBS file is also simple:



ActiveX component can't create object: 'MyVb6Com.Session'

在IIS结束,我已经试图改变应用程序池的设置来启用32位应用程序,并且也没有帮助(当然,如果我不能得到它的工作瓦特/ VBS文件,这不会有所作为无论哪种方式)。

On the IIS end, I've already tried changing the application pool's settings to enable 32-bit applications, and that didn't help either (of course, if I can't get it to work w/ VBS file, this wouldn't make a difference either way).

任何帮助将非常AP preciated。

Any help would be very much appreciated.


请确保您使用32位的WScript来测试你的VB脚本以及。双击它会使用64位 - 这将有助于去诊断您的问题

Make sure you use the 32-bit WScript to test your VB Script as well. Double-clicking it will use 64-bit - that will help go to diagnosing your issue.


