
由网友(奏一曲、悲欢)分享简介:我要如何转换这种的.htaccess 文件的的app.yaml 文件?How do I convert this .htaccess file to an app.yaml file?下面是的.htaccess 文件:RewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}...

我要如何转换这种的.htaccess 文件的的app.yaml 文件?

How do I convert this .htaccess file to an app.yaml file?

下面是的.htaccess 文件:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(?!.*?public).* index.php [QSA,L]


I need to do this to run an app using PHP on Google App Engine.

我要问这个问题的原因,是因为谷歌特别建议在自己的官方文档存储在Git的枢纽code例如所谓的编辑博士。该博士编辑code例子有一个的.htaccess 文件,但没有的app.yaml 文件。而且,在 READ ME 文件,用于设置应用程序的第一步,是创建谷歌的App Engine应用程序。所以我想谷歌已经提供了影射它可以运行在谷歌App Engine的一个code的例子,但它不会。

The reason I'm asking this question, is because Google specifically recommends a code example in their official documentation that is stored in Git Hub called Dr Edit. The Dr Edit code example has a .htaccess file, but no app.yaml file. And, in the READ ME file, the very first step for setting up the application, is to create a Google App Engine application. So I guess Google has provided a code example that insinuates it will run on Google App Engine, but it won't.


Supposedly Google is monitoring Stack Overflow for issues related to GAE, so I hope they read this.


下面是关于如何的模拟URL重写$ _GET ['Q']路由一个PHP应用程序引擎的应用程序,如果这是有帮助的。

Here is information about how to simulate Apache mod_rewrite $_GET['q'] routing for a PHP App Engine app, in case that's helpful.


