如何彻底卸载Visual Studio 2010?Visual、Studio

由网友(兄弟不哭站起来撸)分享简介:我一直希望找到一个干净的解决方案,从我的电脑完全并最终删除Visual Studio 2010。当您安装Visual Studio,它也将安装在加了一堆方案(约55)/删除程序面板(APPWIZ.CPL )。 我已经试图通过微软做了一个小工具,但它几​​乎没有。 我真的很现在更好的方法来卸载任何版本的Microsof...

我一直希望找到一个干净的解决方案,从我的电脑完全并最终删除Visual Studio 2010。当您安装Visual Studio,它也将安装在加了一堆方案(约55)/删除程序面板(APPWIZ.CPL )。


我真的很现在更好的方法来卸载任何版本的Microsoft Visual Studio。 因为我有很多电脑,我经常切换到某个版本或其他,或我只是决定,我并不需要它了一台计算机上找回一些空间。




几年后和微软finally讨论通过释放一个官方的Visual Studio卸载程序的问题:


请注意,虽然它仍然是非常新的,唯一支持的Visual Studio 2012及以上。


有一对夫妇的解决方案,删除的组件/包 - 但请注意,这些解决方案仍留下痕迹(如注册表文件),并不能真正被视为一个干净的卸载(看到答案的最后一节RE:一个干净的解决方案)

解决方法1 - 为:VS 2010

目前微软提供的卸载程序名为Visual Studio 2010的卸载工具。它配备了三个选项:

默认(VS2010_Uninstall-RTM.ENU.exe) 全部(VS2010_Uninstall-RTM.ENU.exe /已满) 完成(VS2010_Uninstall-RTM.ENU.exe /全/ NETFX)

以上链接详细地解释了卸载程序 - 我建议你阅读的文章的评论使用它如一些人所指出的问题(和解决方法)安装服务包时之前。如果这个解决方案仍然保留在注册表文件,请考虑使用类似 CCleaner的或手动删除他们自己。

Here是链接到VS2010 UU 的下载页面。

解决方案2 - 为:VS 2010,VS 2012


怎么卸载Microsoft Visual Studio 2010,打开程序卸载一看,彻底晕了

MSDN:如何卸载Visual Studio 2010/2012



警告:运行此命令可以删除一些包,即使他们是   仍然在使用像在可选包共享上市。

        下载您原先用于安装如果从媒体安装了Visual Studio 2012中安装应用程序,请插入介质。   打开一个命令提示符。点击开始菜单(开始+ R)上的运行。键入cmd,preSS确定(回车)。   在完整路径设置应用程序类型和   通过以下命令行开关: /卸载/力 示例:    D: vs_ultimate.exe /卸载/力   点击卸载按钮,然后按照提示进行操作。   

如果这个解决方案仍有在注册表文件,请考虑使用类似 CCleaner的或自己手动删除它们。


可悲的是,唯一的(目前的)的方式来实现这一目标是遵循dnLL的意见,在他们的回答并执行一个完整操作系统重新安装。然后,在未来,你可以使用Visual Studio中的虚拟机里面来代替,而不必担心这些问题了。

I've been looking to find a CLEAN solution to completely and ultimately remove Visual Studio 2010 from my computer. When you install Visual Studio, it also installs a bunch of programs (about 55) in the add/remove programs panel (appwiz.cpl).

I've already tried a small utility made by Microsoft but it does almost nothing.

I'm really looking now for a better way to uninstall any version of Microsoft Visual Studio. Because I have a lot of computers, I'm often switching to a version or another or I just decide that I don't need it anymore on one computer to get back some space.

Really, what's the best solution? If there isn't one, why haven't Microsoft developed one that is actually working well?


Update October 2015

Years later and Microsoft have finally addressed the issue by releasing an official Visual Studio uninstaller:


Note though that it is still very new and only supports Visual Studio 2012 and above.

Original Answer

There are a couple of solutions that remove the components/packages - but note that these solutions still leave traces (such as registry files) and can't really be considered a 'clean' uninstall (see the final section of the answer RE: a clean solution).

Solution 1 - for: VS 2010

There is an uninstaller provided by Microsoft called the Visual Studio 2010 Uninstall Utility. It comes with three options:

Default (VS2010_Uninstall-RTM.ENU.exe) Full (VS2010_Uninstall-RTM.ENU.exe /full) Complete (VS2010_Uninstall-RTM.ENU.exe /full /netfx)

The above link explains the uninstaller in greater detail - I would recommend reading the comments on the article before using it as some have noted problems (and workarounds) when service packs are installed. If this solution still leaves files in the registry, consider using something like CCleaner or manually removing them yourself.

Here is the link to the download page of the VS2010 UU.

Solution 2 - for: VS 2010, VS 2012

Microsoft provide an uninstall /force feature that removes most remnants of either VS2010 or VS2012 from your computer.

MSDN: How to uninstall Visual Studio 2010/2012

From the link:

Warning: Running this command may remove some packages even if they are still in use like those listed in Optional shared packages.

Download the setup application you used to originally install Visual Studio 2012. If you installed from media, please insert that media. Open a command prompt. Click Run on the Start menu (Start + R). Type cmd and press OK (Enter). Type in the full path to the setup application and pass the following command line switches: /uninstall /force Example: D:vs_ultimate.exe /uninstall /force Click the Uninstall button and follow the prompts.

If this solution still leaves files in the registry, consider using something like CCleaner or manually removing them yourself.

A completely clean uninstall?

Sadly, the only (current) way to achieve this is to follow dnLL's advice in their answer and perform a complete operating system reinstall. Then, in future, you could use Visual Studio inside a Virtual Machine instead and not have to worry about these issues again.


