WPF ListView的虚拟化分组WPF、ListView

由网友(不如绿了他)分享简介:有谁知道支持虚拟化的用户界面将ListView实现时,启用分组?默认情况下,当分组是设置VirtualizingStackPanel被禁用。Does anyone know of a ListView implementation that support UI Virtualization when groupin...


Does anyone know of a ListView implementation that support UI Virtualization when grouping is enabled? By default the VirtualizingStackPanel is disabled when grouping is setup.

看来,微软不会在.NET Framework的4.0版本实现这个,所以我寻找替代解决方案。

It seems that Microsoft is not going to implement this within v4.0 of the .NET Framework so I am look for alternate solutions.


我已经位于的分组和虚拟化MSDN code样品该分组的ListView转换成一个平坦的列表,支持虚拟化。不过,我可以不知道如何模仿头的扩大行动。

I have located a sample at Grouping and Virtualization MSDN Code Sample that converts the grouped ListView into a flat list which supports virtualization. However I can't work out how to imitate the expanding actions of the headers.


