
由网友(拽哥)分享简介:中,人们使用什么脚本在.NET应用程序。 MS后,新的问题IronPython的下降。what do people use for scripting in .net apps. New question after MS drops IronPythonIP曾经是我最喜欢的;那么Lua的IP used to be...

中,人们使用什么脚本在.NET应用程序。 MS后,新的问题IronPython的下降。

what do people use for scripting in .net apps. New question after MS drops IronPython


IP used to be my favorite; then Lua


What do I mean by scripting. I mean I have a large system management tool that allows users to plugin bits of smartness, this include assemblies and scripts. What language should I use for the scripts. So I need an embeddable interpreter, prefably one that integrated well with .net



F# - 几个人都表示,F#。是F#可作为一个嵌入式脚本语言?

F# - several people have said F#. Is F# usable as an embedded scripting language?


My new best friend for this is javascript; there are several quality implementations for .net


PowerShell的是.NET网络本身的脚本壳可以导入到你的应用程序。随着时间的流逝一个我都来用它做的一切,从单元测试,以提供可扩展性。此外,它的船舶上的每个版本的Windows 7后,所以你不必担心它的安装,并正在努力开发一种基于单声道版本。

Powershell is .net net native scripting shell that can be imported into your app. As time has gone one I have come to use it to do everything from unit test to provide extensibility. Also it ships on every version of windows after 7 so you don't need to worry about installing it, and efforts are underway to develop a mono based version.


